Izuku Journey-Peace Valley

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Part of this story is inspired by KN-stories

Also ultigod10096,I know it's not my business, but for the story "Way of The Monk" can you tell us how Izuku meet all of his friends?

No one pov

Izuku and Hisashi are in the plane that goes to China

Hisashi will be training at The Temple of Light, while Izuku will go to The Peace Valley and train with Oogway

While they were in the plane

Izuku closed his eyes and took a breath, focusing his mind as he entered his inner world

As he opened his eyes, he found himself in a vast, lush forest, surrounded by towering trees and chirping birds

In front of him stood a figure thatated power and wisdom - Sun Wukong, the legendary Monkey King himself

Izuku felt a surge of excitement and reverence as he realized he was in the presence of his ancestor

Sun Wukong:*smile*Welcome, young one. I am here guide you on your journey to unlock the full extent of your powers. By the time we finish, you'll be landing in China. And by the way. Say Hi to Oogway from me.

Izuku nodded eagerly, ready to learn from the greatest warrior in Chinese mythology

Together, they began their training, with Sun Wukong teaching Izuku the ancient techniques of martial arts and combat

As they sparred and practiced, Izuku could feel his body becoming stronger and more agile

With each move, he tapped into the immense power and potential that lay dormant within him, embracing his role as the reincarnation of Sun Wukong

Hours passed in the mindscape, but to Izuku, it felt like an eternity as he absorbed every lesson and skill that Sun Wukong imparted to him

Finally, as the sun began to set and the sky turned a fiery orange, Izuku collapsed to his knees, exhausted but exhilarated

Sun Wukong stood before him, a proud smile on his face

Sun Wukong :You have done well, my descendant. Your journey has just begun, but I have no doubt that you will rise to greatness and fulfill your destiny as the new Monkey King.

With renewed determination and confidence, Izuku bowed to his ancestor and thanked him for his guidance

As he returned to the real world, he knew that he had taken a crucial step towards mastering his powers and becoming worthy of the legacy of Sun Wukong

The plane landed

Izuku and Hisashi exit and they hugged each other

Izuku:Don't worry Dad. I'll visit you many times.

Hisashi:So do I, Son. Be careful and I love you.

Izuku:I love you too Dad.

(Hisashi powers-Firebending, Immense Strength that put All Might down with only a finger, way of elements and many others)

Izuku goes to The Peace Valley, but not before to change into some more authentic clothes

He wanted to wear his clothes that Sun Wukong give him, but that will attract so much attention so he decided to play low

Once he got to the pick up area he would hear someone calling out to him

Once he got to the pick up area he would hear someone calling out to him

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Izuku Midoriya-The Reincarnation Of The Monkey King Where stories live. Discover now