Proved Innocent

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Next chapter target is 95+ votes and 120+ comments 😉

"Naina said that kris asked her to give poison to taehyung and add that on my soup, And that night I made a plan, I wanted to end this altogether so I asked naina to give vitamin tablets to taehyung and rest is the history my lord"

The judge's brow furrowed in concern. "Mr. Jeon," he addressed Jungkook, " why didn't you wake up and explain the situation? To Kim taehyung, Surely, working together would have been more effective"

Jungkook's gaze softened as it landed on Taehyung.

"Your honor," he began, his voice dropping to a low tone, "I couldn't bear the thought of dragging Taehyung into this mess, I already know that someone is conspiring to kill me and if they saw tae by my side planning to eliminate them, they wouldn't hesitate to target him too. The thought of anyone harming him...

Scared me to death.

"That's why," Jungkook continued, his voice thick with emotion

"I pretended to be unconscious whenever Taehyung visited. It pained me internally, but I couldn't bear the thought of something bad happening to him. Instead, I used to listen to his talks, Hearing his voice, his concern, it gave me the strength to keep fighting, to hold onto hope."

Tae reached out a trembling hand towards Jungkook, his voice choked with emotion. "Jungkook..." he stammered, his words lost in a sob.

"Mr. Kabir," he began, his voice stern, "how did you know Jeon Jungkook was conscious?" Could you please elaborate on how you possess this knowledge?"

Kabir stood up from his seat "I am actually aware what is happening in Taehyung's and Jungkook's life, naina used to tell me about them"

That night when naina got kidnapped, I was on the VIP floor, I was there to check on a different patient, On my way " kabir continued "I saw Mr Jungkook, He was conscious, talking to his friend"

"I couldn't believe it. Relief washed over me, and I knew I had to tell naina the good news."

Kabir's face hardened "Later that night, as I was leaving the hospital, I saw naina. Being Kidnapped by a group of goons, later that night naina and i decided meet Mr Jungkook and show him the video which i captured and rest is the history my lord"

'In conclusion," the judge boomed, his voice ringing with authority, "based on the compelling testimony presented by Mr. Jeon Jungkook and the corroborated evidence, the court finds Mr. Kim Taehyung completely innocent of all charges."

A thunderous applause erupted from the gallery, a wave of cheers washing over Taehyung as the burden of suspicion finally lifted, Taehyung, overwhelmed with emotion, buried his face in his hands, tears of joy streaming down his cheeks

The judge's gaze turned steely as he addressed Kris and his family. "As for Mr. Jeon Kris and his accomplices," he declared, his voice leaving no room for argument, they are hereby sentenced to life imprisonment for their heinous crimes. They will be immediately taken into custody."

Kris's face contorted in rage and disbelief, his carefully constructed facade crumbling around him. 

His parents, pale and shaking, looked on in horror as the officers moved in to apprehend them.

Jungkook's smirk widened into a satisfied grin as he watched Kris being roughly escorted out of the courtroom. 

The smug arrogance that had once marked Kris's features was replaced by a look of utter defeat. 

In that moment, years of pain and betrayal seemed to melt away, replaced by a deep sense of vindication.

Jungkook locked eyes with Taehyung across the crowded room, both their faces glistening with tears.

A wide, emotional smile broke across Taehyung's face and he began to walk from the booth

Taehyung gasped when his foot missed the step, Before he could fall to the ground, a pair of strong arms wrapped around his waist

Jungkook held Taehyung close, Taehyung buried his face in Jungkook's shoulder, his body trembling, The cheers and applause faded into a distant hum as Jungkook whispered "pup" into Taehyung's ear.

Taehyung looked at his lover's face, he broke the silence. "J-Jungkook?" he said in his weak voice "Y-You are here? For me?"

"I am here baby" Jungkook said, his voice a husky whisper. He reached out, his hand cupping Taehyung's cheek.

Happy tears streamed down Taehyung's face, He didn't care about the watching eyes, the flashing cameras, or the lingering murmurs of the trial. All that mattered was Jungkook, safe and whole in front of him.

With a choked sob, Taehyung cupped Jungkook's face, He rained kisses down on Jungkook's face

He kissed the worry lines etched around Jungkook's eyes, He kissed the bridge of his nose, He kissed his forehead, He peppered kisses across Jungkook's cheeks

"My hero," Taehyung thought kissing Jungkook's chin. "You saved me."

Jungkook closed his eyes, savoring the feel of Taehyung's lips against his skin, He felt Taehyung's tears mingle with his own, His arms tightened around Taehyung, pulling him close

Before he could kiss Jungkook's lips, Memories of their past fights, the harsh words he'd said in moments of anger, flooded his mind.

Shame burned in his throat, "Jungkook, I..." he stammered, his voice choking, "I'm so sorry. Please forgive-

But before he could complete his sentence Jungkook kissed him on his lips passionately, As their kiss deepened, Taehyung felt a weight lift from his shoulders

When they finally pulled apart, their foreheads resting against each other, Taehyung's eyes shone with gratitude.

"I Love You koo" he whispered, Jungkook chuckled softly, brushing a stray tear from Taehyung's cheek. "I love you too pup," he replied, his voice husky with love.

Taehyung's eyes scanned the crowd, and his gaze landed on naina Her eyes, red-rimmed and glistening with unshed tears, met his.

Without a second thought, Taehyung broke free from Jungkook's embrace and ran towards naina. He enveloped her in a tight hug, burying his face in her shoulder.

"Thank you, naina," he choked out, his voice thick with emotion. "I... I didn't know how to thank you."

Naina, her own tears overflowing, clung to him just as tightly. "Didn't I tell you, Taehyung?" she whispered, her voice barely audible. "I'll always be with you, till the end."

Jungkook watched from a distance, couldn't help but smile looking at them

Mr. Kim looked at Jungkook, his face etched with a mixture of shame and desperate hope.

Slowly, Mr. Kim approached him, his steps hesitant and his shoulders slumped with the weight of his regret. He stopped in front of Jungkook, his eyes filled with unshed tears.

"Jungkook," he began he reached out and clasped Jungkook's hands in his "I... I made a terrible mistake. Please, forgive me, son."

A tense silence descended as everyone watched, waiting for Jungkook's reaction. Jungkook stared at Mr. Kim for a long moment, his expression unreadable

Jungkook shook his head slowly, a hint of sadness in his eyes."There's nothing to forgive, Uncle," he said, "In the heat of the moment, we all say things we don't mean." He squeezed mr kim's hand softly


"Honestly, Uncle, I am sorry too for hurting you that day" Jungkook said,

"You didn't deserve that, Jungkook," he choked out, his voice thick with emotion. "I said harsh things about your late parents"

Jungkook squeezed his hand gently.  "It's alright, Uncle," he reassured him. "The important thing is, we can move forward from here. Together."

a watery smile spread across Mr. Kim's face. "Thank you, Jungkook," he said, his voice thick with gratitude. "For understanding"

Another twist is in the next chapter 😘 

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