Open Your Eyes (Harry Potter)

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Y/n made her way to care of magical creatures with her 3 friends; Hermione, Ron and Harry. The four quickly rushed past the other student's around them, trying their best to not be late. As the three ran Y/n felt her legs tire from running but tried her best to not stop but soon enough she got lost in her own thoughts, daydreaming about anything and everything.

Harry saw this and saw that Hermione and Ron had made their way and had gotten to class which to be fair was only about a 3 minutes away from him now. He felt a sudden burst of worry as he heard the bell, meaning class was about to start. He quickly looked at y/n who also seemed to be quite worried now and grabbed her hand, jogging slightly until they got to class.

Hagrid saw the two and gave them a nod, signalling for them to go join the others in the group they were all stood in. Y/n and Harry walked over to Ron and Hermione, waving at them as they got closer. "Well then, open your books." Hagrid instructed, watching as the class stroked the spine of their books, a few mistakes were made such as Neville not doing his properly and almost getting his head bit off by the book but other than that everything else went smooth so Hagrid decided to go with the lesson "so today your going to be learnin' about Hippogriffs so come on out buck beak" He said as a massive creature came out from behind him, showing off its wings, it was clearly a very prideful creature.

Y/n felt a smile come to her face at the idea of creating a bond with such a fascinating animal. "First thing you wanna know about hippogriffs, is that they're very proud creatures, very easily offended. You do not want to insult a hippogriff. It may just be the last thing you ever do. Now, who'd like to come and say hello?" Hagrid finished of looking at his students, who all stepped back except Y/n and Harry.

The pair realised that everyone else had stepped back including their oh so brave friends Ron and Hermione who just gave them apologetic smiles, feeling a bit of regret for leaving them. "Well then you two come up 'ere" Hagrid said as he called the two to come to him and buck beak in the middle of the grassy floor of the forest. The two nervously looked at each other but Y/n tried to give Harry a comforting smile as an attempt to calm him which he quickly returned as they both walked towards Hagrid, coming to a halt when Buckbeak seemed to notice them.

"Now you've got to bow down to 'im and if he doesn' do it back go back to the others." Hagrid said, now more serious then before as he prepared to take action in case anything happened. Harry and Y/n slowly bowed, feeling every ones eyes on them as they awaited for a sign for them to get back up or run away. The sound of leaves rustling made them slightly look up, seeing Buckbeak bowing back at them. Adrenaline pumped through their blood as they saw Hagrid smiling at them and calling them over whilst their class cheered at them in excitement.

"Now that he's accepted you, you can go closer to him and I'll help you mount 'im" Hagrid said as Y/n cautiously started to approach Buckbeak, with Harry quickly following behind her. As Harry got closer to Y/n he heard her whisper a quick "I'm getting on first" to him as they neared the creature. When they got there Hagrid was already there since he didn't have to be so cautious near the animal due to their familiarity.

"I'll put you on first and then you Harry" Hagrid said, lifting Y/n in his arms. The girl most definitely would have been squealing in joy if she still wasn't a bit scared of the animal. Shortly after Harry was placed behind her as they both sat on Buckbeaks back. "Well off you go" Hagrid said as the creature took off in flight. Y/n let out a small squeal, quickly holding on tight to its neck as harry rapidly wrapped his arms around her as he felt them take off.

They began to relax once they got used to the cool breeze that flew past them and the fresh smell of nature overwhelming their senses. "Woah" Y/n quietly said as she felt herself enjoying the beautiful scenery in front of her. Hearing her true happiness made harry smile to himself. Yes the nature around them was surreal but he couldn't help but admire the girl sat in front of him, paying attention to every small detail he saw like when she smiled when she saw a nice plant or how she squinted her eyes to avoid wind going in them.

"You know what'd be cool?" Harry asked y/n, feeling her tense up a bit as he brought his face closer to her neck so she could hear him better. "What?" Y/n replied, feeling butterflies arise in her as she felt his warm breathe glide smoothly across her neck. "Close your eyes." Harry said feeling a sense of deja vu since he had dreamed of moments like this with her before. He held her hands, bringing them up and spreading them out like a bird as they flew close to the water. "Open your eyes." He then said as his grasp switched from Y/ns hand to her waist, holding on tight enough to feel stable as they flew but not too hard to the point that it'd be uncomfortable "This is... beautiful" was all Y/n could fathom as a loss of words filled her mind and a blush crept on to her face. A comfortable silence formed around the two as Buckbeak flew higher up into the sky and away from the water as Y/n dropped her hands back onto his feathery neck.

When they rose up Y/n felt herself press up against Harry to try stay warm since the cool breeze got slightly colder the higher they went. Harry then finally built the courage to do what he had been thinking of ever since they were down near the water. He grabbed a hold of her chin gently as he brought his face over his shoulder, pressing a warm kiss to her lips to which Y/n responded to surprisingly fast as she kissed him back, feeling all the cold she had felt earlier disappear as all she felt now was a warm, blissful feeling which she now recognised as love.

Their moment was cut off as they heard the chatter of their class beneath them causing them to separate from each other just in time for no one to see the private moments that the two had shared on their short journey around the castle. They then landed, still feeling giddy from the recent events which seemed to be the only thing they could think about now. "We'll continue this another time" Y/n whispered to Harry as she climbed off of Buckbeak, gently walking to Buckbeaks face, pressing her forehead to his "This is our little secret now, don't tell anyone about all that okay?" She said with a smile, knowing the creature wouldn't tell anyone what it saw anyway.

Walking back to her friends with Harry, they were both bombarded with questions about how it was until a certain blondie decided to tease the prideful creature who quickly attacked back, after all it was in its nature to get offended quite easily. This caused the lesson to be cut short, but even though to others this was just like every other lesson, for Harry and Y/n this was an event they would never forget. "Something definitely happened up there." Ron said looking to Hermione as they walked behind Y/n and Harry who were to caught up in conversation to notice. "definitely." Hermione replied as she looked at the two in front of her.

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