XLV - Play(ful)Date

434 9 41



I'm on DogDay's lap right now, purring happily as I nap.
My long tail would tangle up with some pillows on the bed, and DogDay, too.
It's a peaceful nap, we just had lunch and hour ago, I think.. Picky made fried rice with a bunch of other stuff..

I keep sinking deeper into DogDay's fur, taking in all of his scent, cologne or not, I love the vanilla.

(D-Day) "Kitty.. can you get up now, please..?"
(C-Nap) "But I'm so comfy..."
(D-Day) "We've been like this for two hours already, CatNap.. I need to stretch.."
(C-Nap) "Mrowww.."

DogDay pleaded for me to get off of him, so that he can go stretch or something.
I just meowed back, denying his request. I slumped my back down, and kept on purring.

DogDay folded his book, in the paw, then sighed in annoyance.
It's cute, seeing him like this..
I just want to ruffle that belly of his...

I reached out my paw, grabbing his as it returns. I squeezed his paw, rubbing the small little beans.. or paw pads, what ever you call those.
I can heat DogDay's tail thumping against the wall and the bed. I know this feels good to him, hehe, so I rubbed it a little harder

(D-Day) "What are you doing now, Kitty..?"
(C-Nap) "Fidgeting, I guess"
(D-Day) "Can you please get off me now.. I'm literally gonna beg right now"
(C-Nap) "Aww.. fine then.."

I pouted, rolling off of him, allowing him to stand up.
No more comfy and snuggies for me..

DogDay places his paws under my belly, then picked me up like an injured person.
He flipped me over so that I'm facing him directly now.
And when I was busy clinging onto him, wrapping my arms around his back for support.. he booped me with his paw.
I made a soft squeaky sound when he did that, not expecting for the act..

(C-Nap) "What are you doing..?"
(D-Day) "Lifting"
(C-Nap) "Wha..-"
(C-Nap) "HEY- I'm not that heavy, am I..?!"
(D-Day) "Only when you're full of love, Kitty.."

To be honest, he got me good at that one.
I blushed, of course, flaming my cheeks as I dig my fave into his fuffy chest.
I want this tank top on my face so bad.. His sweatsmells so good..
Oh gosh.. Don't get turned on.. please..
I don't want to remember that time when I got too drunk inside the kitchen..
It just sort-of happened..

DogDay keeps petting my back as he carried me outside of the room, and downstairs into the living room.
While walking, I glanced at the clock on the hallway..


It's been.. heh.. that long already..?
I'm such a heavy-napper..
The living room was unsually noisy.. I think.. I'm hearing.. guitar.?
Only me, DogDay and Kickin knows how to play it. But.. we both don't have a guitar, and Kickin's broken..

(Andrew) "This is a nice guitar you got there, Kickin"
(Kickin) "My man DD helped me fix it!"
(Andrew) "Dope, it feels just like mine at home"
(Bobby) "Did you hear about what happened just a few days ago?"
(Bubba) "The what?"
(Kickin) "For fuck's sake, Bobby, I-"
(Andrew) "What happened?"
(Bobby) "So when me and Kickin walked into the kitchen that morning.. we saw-"
(Kickin) "SHUT YOUR-"

Eclipse's Reunion - DogDay x CatNap (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now