03|| Whispers and Warnings

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The roar of the briefing room's air conditioner was no match for the storm brewing inside me.
General Malhotra, a man whose gaze could curdle milk, slammed a file shut, his voice a gravelly rasp.

"Operation Trishul.  First task, Hostage rescue in the Himalayan mountains. Rebels calling themselves the 'Himalayas Defenders' - a thorn in our side for years."

He continued"Wing Commander Anirudh, you lead the Air Force Pararescue unit. Colonel Bhairav Singh heads the Army Special Forces. Air force jets will be there on standby and will join us the moment we need them. This issue need to be resolved as soon as possible and hence both army and airforce will make a team together and free the hostages as soon as possible."

My stomach clenched. Trishul. The name itself evoked images of treacherous peaks and unforgiving terrain.
A glance at Bhairav Singh, a mountain of a man with a bushy beard and a permanent scowl, confirmed my apprehension. This wouldn't be a walk in the park.

"Info is sketchy," Bhairav grumbled, his voice a low rumble. "Says the rebels are holed up in some abandoned mining complex. But the route's a mix of treacherous mountain passes and who-knows-what tunnels."

After an hour of discussion with the integrated defence staff , doctors were also called to join the discussion.

Discussion started and although the doctors were just here for the collaborative operation sahyog ,they don't know about the upcoming trouble in the camp.

We were deciding who will the few doctors and staff to join us in this emergency.

Suddenly Samaira, Miss optimist stepped forward. "Actually, sir, I spent a year volunteering in a village at the foot of Himalayas. The locals mentioned a network of ancient tunnels that might lead us closer to the rebels' hideout."

A flicker of hope sparked in my chest. "Local knowledge, huh?" I said, cautious optimism creeping in. "Unconfirmed knowledge, Doc. We can't rely on whispers."

She met my gaze, her chin held high. "Perhaps not, Wing Commander. But sometimes, a villager's whisper can be louder than a map's shout. Especially in these mountains."

Bhairav grunted, unconvinced. "Fine. But we stick to the planned route until then. Jeeps take us as far as possible, then it's on foot. Air support on standby. We hit them hard and fast, get the hostages out, and get the hell out of those mountains."
After hours of discussion,

The plan was laid out on a worn map – a daring insertion by helicopter, followed by a treacherous trek through the mountains. Finally, we'd reach the supposed entrance to the tunnels, a gamble on sketchy information.

A few hours Later

The pre-dawn air bit at my face like a hungry wolf. The roar of jet engines faded into the distance as the last helicopter disappeared over the horizon.

We were on our own now, a ragtag group of soldiers and a doctor, dwarfed by the imposing peaks.

Bhairav adjusted his pack, his face grim. "Alright, people. Move out, stay sharp."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22 ⏰

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