🥀 Against the heavens will

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"Miss Nereida!!" A young Oceanid swam up to the mermaid. "It's raining again!!"

"Oh?" A gentle smile was rested upon the mermaid's delicate face. "Perhaps the Hydro Dragon is crying again Sapphire."

"Why does the Hydro Dragon cry so much..?" Sapphire asked, seeming rather upset.

"No one knows why, ma puce. Maybe the world is a saddening place for him."

Sapphire looked down at the ocean bed, before looking back up at the woman who raised her, settling down to rest upon her tail. "You said you were acquainted with him before? Right??"

Nereida nodded, her smile faltering for a moment - but only for a moment. "It's been a very long time since then, little Sapphire. But yes, I was acquainted with Hydro Dragon."

She closed her eyes, rubbing Sapphire's head. It truly had been a while since she had seen the dragon. Her heart ached to see him again. Oh how she wished she was there with him once more, to laugh and cry with him, spend the nights gazing at the skies together. It pained her. It pained her so much to see his tears fall from the sky and fill the seas she inhabited.

And though she longed to be with him once more, to be in his embrace, she could not.

All she could do, is remember how the past used to be, and feel comfort within those memories.

"Did you love him..?" Sapphire had then suddenly asked, causing Nereida to snap out of her thoughts, staring at her in surprise.

She remained silent for a moment. Did she love him..? Of course. "Yes. I did." She murmured a soft reply to the Oceanid's question. "I still do, in fact."

How could she ever stop loving him? He brought her such joy, happiness she never thought she'd ever experience. How could she ever stop loving the Hydro Dragon who provided her with nothing but warmth and affection.

How could she stop loving Neuvillette, the very man who made her heart beat erratically in such a way she never thought possible when he gave her that beautiful smile that lit up worlds.

"We were not made for eachother though."

She was not meant to love him.

After all, how could a dragon and mermaid fall in love, if the heavens themselves decided against it?

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