chapter nineteen: welcome back to camp...sort of

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Percy passed out soon after what happened, so her and Grover, who was still injured, had to carry Percy to the big house and on the way she found out that Grover was a satyr, which was like this half goat half human creature, so kind of like that guy from the lion, the witch and the wardrobe. She also found out that Mr Brunner was actually Chiron, which in hindsight now that she looked back on it actually made sense, considering the fact that Chiron used a wheelchair as his disguise for his horse legs. She just must've been too preoccupied with other things or stupid to realise.

When they finally reached the big house, Annabeth came out, looking annoyed about something, she also looked a lot older than the last time Silena had seen her, her blonde hair was hastily tied in a ponytail in knots and tangles and the bags under her intelligent cold grey eyes looked like they'd been there a while. Immediately she felt concern for the poor girl, I mean she clearly hadn't had a good night's sleep in a while judging by her appearance, and she looked like she needed to stop drinking coffee or whatever was keeping her alive right now, because clearly it wasn't good for her.

"What is it?" Annabeth asked, her tone ruder than usual as she rolled her eyes, but then she looked properly and saw Percy unconscious in their arms, however she didn't seem too concerned about that, maybe a little surprised but not concerned. What she was concerned about was the fact Grover was limping a little while standing there, struggling to hold Percy up with her. "Come inside." She told them, opening the door fully and allowing them in.

Once they arrived inside, Chiron was already there, waiting for them along with Mr D, though she was certain he wasn't there for them, rather the game of cards he was playing, which looked like a very strange deck of cards in her eyes. There were odd pictures of all sorts of strange, ancient, disfigured creatures on them that reminded her of those creepy things you'd see typically in horror movies or other things, though she preferred not to imagine it.

"Chiron, Grover's injured and also they brought back a new camper" Annabeth informed him in a matter of fact way of speaking, which Silena couldn't help but roll her eyes at slightly. I mean, it was definitely useful if you wanted to be respected and seem important, but it was just so boring sometimes, although she'd never say that out loud. "Alright child, just take them upstairs and I'll get some Apollo campers to come here quickly" Chiron replied, heading outside. She was a bit envious that Annabeth got a bit of special treatment off of Chiron, I mean not a lot, but enough so she could notice, though she knew it was because Annabeth had come here at such a young age so she was bound to see Chiron as a bit of a father figure so it made sense.

She followed Annabeth upstairs, supporting basically both Percy and Grover, which was NOT an easy task. Honestly, she was surprised she didn't fall downstairs, however she may have said that a bit too soon because right at the top of the stairs, on the last step she tripped over and almost fell, though she was caught by a firm grip. The hand that caught her was soft yet rough, as though it had experienced life, but still knew how to be gentle, and when she looked up to see who had saved her she understood why.

Standing at the top of the stairs with that charming, inviting smile was the one and only, the pride of the Hermes cabin, Luke Castellan. She felt her cheeks go pink and she prayed to Aphrodite that her palms weren't actually as sweaty as they felt to her right now. "Are you alright?" He asked gently, his sweet, kind blue eyes gazing into hers, making her want to melt into the floor and giggle and kick her feet in the air like a little girl. All she managed was a weak nod as her older half sister, Lizzie appeared behind Luke, her eyes immediately full of concern.

Lizzie looked a bit different to how she had the last time she'd seen her, she didn't know why everyone at camp was suddenly looking different, almost on edge, as though scared something might happen. I mean to her knowledge wasn't camp supposed to be the safest place for demigods? Anyway back to her concerns and what she noticed about her half sister, Lizzie's dirty blonde hair that had always been in soft layers and styled was now turning brown, though perhaps that was just because that's what happened to most people who had dirty blonde hair. But it was also straightened and cut, before it had been just below her shoulders above her breasts, now it was resting on her shoulders. She found it a little strange seeing Lizzie with straight hair, but she would probably get used to it.

Also, she couldn't help but notice Lizzie seemed skinnier, but not in a good way, I mean before she'd noticed and admired Lizzie's slim figure and how she wasn't too curvy, yet just enough that you knew she had something going on. But now, she looked almost skeletal like, her face slimmer so she could see the bones in her cheekbones slightly poking out and her mesmerising green eyes seemed wider, yet more sunken.

"Silena, are you okay?" Lizzie asked her immediately, snapping her out of her thoughts, as she nodded, standing up properly as Luke quickly let go of her hand after she stood up, looking somewhat... guilty? But about what? All he did was help her not fall?

However, she couldn't ponder on those thoughts too long as she noticed the other three had gone down the hallway, leaving her to deal with the embarrassment of almost falling down the stairs basically by herself if Luke and Lizzie hadn't been there. She couldn't help but get a little bit annoyed at that, I mean c'mon they could've just a bit longer, it's not like that whole interaction took that long...right?

As she began walking down the hallway to follow them, thanking the two older campers properly before doing so, Lizzie called her back, "Silena, darling, could you come back here a sec?" She nodded, retracing her steps back, looking at the older girl expectantly as curiously, wondering what the hell she wanted to talk about that could be so urgent she'd have to leave both her friends who were currently in very (maybe, probably not) critical condition.

"I just wanted to let you know that since you're back at camp, a little bit too early might I add" Lizzie began, whilst she blushed out of embarrassment slightly, it was true that they were a tad bit early for summer, but they hadn't really thought about that, with Percy needing to get to camp so urgently. "Well I have a whole induction planned for you for the Aphrodite cabin and you can meet all your half siblings and you know get used to your space and everything" Lizzie continued, as she felt like a newbie again with having to be introduced to everyone and settling in again. She didn't really like it, but she knew it would be coming anyway, so might as well get it over with. Right? Wrong.

Note:1263 words, I was planning on writing in Clarisse's POV too but I didn't know where to put it, also I was gonna make this chapter longer but I couldn't be arsed and I wanted to give you a new chapter earlier, so hope you enjoy it:)

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