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At was 08:00am in the morning

Taehyung Hamza jungkook already woke up where Jimin was still sleeping Taehyung send Hamza to bring breakfast and Jungkook to buy Jimin's medicines he himself was sitting on the chair closer to Jimin's bed

Taehyung : haaaaa my back !!

He sit straight where his back hurts but than he heard knock on the door he went towards the door and open it

Taehyung : Hana ??

Elma : assalamualaikum ~

Taehyung : hmmm , why are you here ?

Elma : ofcourse to meet Jimin

Taehyung stare at her face where she also stare at her face

Jennie : are you both done ??

Taehyung peek out of the door and saw Aina and Jennie standing matching their shoulder to shoulder

Taehyung : it's hospital not a house

Jennie Aina Elma understood it and went inside

Jennie : J-jimin oppa ??

She went towards the bed slowly slowly and starting to crying after seeing his condition

Aina : Jennie don't cry he's fine

Elma : guys don't make any noise he's sleeping

Jennie sit on the chair which was beside His bed and she grab his hand

Jennie : why we have to suffered this much??

Aina : After every suffering there is peace and love

Elma : indeed Allah loves those

Jennie : oppa get well soon my brother get well soon

Aina : may Allah bless both of them sabr

Elma : ameen

Jennie : Ameen

Taehyung : how's Sira, Hana?

Elma turn back and said while looking down

Elma : she didn't pick up my call maybe she's sleeping ~

Taehyung : If she is sleeping then do not bother her, she cried alot yesterday due to which it will be better to let her sleep.

Elma : hmm you're right!

Aina : Tata when will these people discharge jiminiee?

Taehyung : don't know~

Jennie : ask them and tell them to discharge him he got suffocated in hospitals

Taehyung : hmmm i know but it will be better if he stays here for some few days

Elma : it's okay Jennie Hamza Jungkook and Taehyung are he here he will be okay ~

Taehyung look at Elma they both make eye contact while noddeding their heads

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