So when we talk about the one, two, and third dimension, this is the realm we are currently in. This is the physical realm that we all live in and are accustomed to. An example of a one dimensional being would be like a bug, insect, bacteria, parasite, germs, cells, etc. An example of a second dimensional being would be like an animal. Lastly, A third dimensional being would be like a human. The one dimension deals with individuality, The two dimension deals with relating and relativity, and the third dimension deals with surroundings. Whichever dimension you are in you automatically have access to all the other dimensional energies below it as well.
Now lastly just because this current one, two, and third dimension we live on is physical doesn't mean that this is the only physical realm. We just live in this one world but there are other third dimensional worlds that are physical out there as well.
The 9 Dimensional Bodies
SpiritualThe 9 dimensional realms, What they consist of, and What they are.