The Coming Of Henry Jekyll part 2

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As Mr Dewey spent time with Dr Henry Jekyll over months or weeks Jekyll spent many months understanding evil by contemplating of human mind horrorland world concept brought many concept fear supernatural how science brought mankind to open veil to pure devilary such things mankind wasn't supposed to know here Dr look upon holy bible began to understand through genisis that was knowledge alone that mankind saw devil internal darkness that became known over years begun to understand who Hyde was for long wonder that maybe Hyde was more then reflection of himself but more if Henry to sold to darkness himself then maybe Edward would be come reality which he would no longer need a host to be manifest the fact is somewhere in this world was lurking behind for evil has been hiding beyond land of horror for across horror was fantasy from fantasy wss adventure from there sci-fi but through corners of the worlds unknown yet darkness take all the four worlds beyond it is possible the world reality could be swallowed but PageMaker knew he wouldn't allow such evil to be come to other worlds which why he chose young Mr Dewey his successor yet
GameDeveloper saw as gaze of seeing eye looks Vlad spoke GameDeveloper yes my master what be thy bidding this Mr Dewey intrigued me what you to gather your wraiths bring him and his friends for they shall bring me amusement that have long for speaking which as with sorcery summon cage of one doctor victor Frankenstein it seems doctor I have need for you victor very creature home all fear great fiend sauron GameDeveloper himself he who built shadowgames for decades GameDeveloper lost again PageMaker always duels that play but many who read great stories told by him and PageMaker well now GameDeveloper had enough this time he come as Victor this time maker shall not win meanwhile henry notice GameDeveloper was on the move so he asked Jake to come with him this way Mr Dewey said Henry as they appear in land of mystery as they appear in old church courtyard hurry to this way Mr Dewey said Henry they hurried Mrs Hudson is Sherlock home Henry asked my my Doctor Jekyll yes he is matter of fact won't you come this way sure enough there stood great detective as stood smiles ah Henry Jekyll and Mr Jacob Dewey correct asked mr Holmes you know of course doctor John Watson by jove so glad to see you Sherlock yes had feeling you needed assistance through not surprised given that grave news has come trust that ye are aware of maker plan yes said Henry he sent me vission we must hurry Sherlock then gentleman believe we need to make haste master Jacob do pardon for inconvenience but must asked you sir to follow us this way also I trust Scotland yard is aware of the matter yes yes said John infact he urge us head to his office with haste very gentlemen let us be off as they quickly headed to Scotland yard inspector lestrade now Mycroft said lestrade they be here hope lestrade not trying to butter me to sighs come sherlock by half second they headed to yard station ah lestrade Mycroft so good you both here I trust you have everything ready yes but then like eerie feeling black corsairs came out of nowhere as royal navy prepare to engage them soon one can hear cannon fire Sherlock be off quickly they here said Sherlock here grab your carbines gentlemen double quick as they all Scotland yard grab each of their carbines as royal navy held goblin raiders but then fleet was taken matter of minutes londoners began to help yard as they loaded martini carbines as all man the nordenfelt gun as orc horde thousand upon thousand has move in waves londoners begun to defend London while Holmes and rest headed to boarders past mystery to Adventureland as skirmish begun the good constable Clark proudly defended but he fell in line of duty as Vlad look pity such brave mortals Clark look at count heh you they are milord as Clark gave his last no matter said Vlad will find them not matter where they go as count think I send uraks to hunt them they will not get to maker I make sure of that said Vlad with that orcs burn the town of london meanwhile as group headed to borders mysteryland they then cross boundries adventureland with this interesting gentlemen it seems we are almost close to where we can meet PageMaker should be not far now as they continue to travel they meet sea captain who been waiting for their arrival he name was Ishmael he was once member of crew Prequod as ship went down he was rescued by captain Nemo of the notalus at which point when she went down return to states he built second notalus which he cammanded ah gentlemen bow captain Ishmael Sherlock and others bow captain Ishmael I presume you presume much mr Holmes indeed very same Ishmael with me mr Thomas Sawyer works as Pinkerton of state department Mr Sawyer smiles Mr Holmes please to meet you sir doctor Watson doctor Jekyll lestrade lord Holmes this way if all you please Mr Dewey please to finally meet you as notalus was ready to sail as they boarder begin to sail unknown sea of adventure isle of fantasia as ship sail coast to where to where it was said PageMaker first created four corners of light adventura fantasia horrifica scifictionia long before light and darkness became once one time and space as Mr Dewey looked alof as they sail many leagues into they reach isle of fantasyland there docked at Riverdale Port their embark on high elves stood greeted their guest elrond smiles captain Ishmael sir Thomas Mr Dewey sir Holmes lord Holmes master Watson Mr Dewey Lt lestrade master Jekyll this way gentlemen come with me if you please said Lord Elrond House of Riverdale home of river elves.

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