Copycat's Background

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On the morning of June 18th, 1996, Melanie decided to wake up earlier than usual so she would have enough time to prepare for school. It was a monotonously normal morning, just like any other day.

Melanie carefully picked out a simple outfit that adhered to the school dress code but also represented her unique style. She chose a plain skirt and a red t-shirt, nothing particularly special. She tied her blue hair into a thin braid, leaving the white strands to hang freely.

As Melanie made her way to the front door, her eyes fell on her clown costume hanging nearby. How much she would love to wear it. Unfortunately, there were those pretentious girls at her school who thought they were superior. Melanie couldn’t let them think she was inferior, never! Resolutely, she picked up her bag and set off.

When Melanie walked through the gates of the school, she was immediately confronted by Jessica, one of the most popular girls. Melanie's heart filled with hatred. Her grip on her book tightened as she forced a smile onto her face.

"Hey, Jessica," Melanie greeted her with forced kindness, waving awkwardly.

Jessica stared at Melanie, her eyes scanning her from head to toe. "Hey, Copycat! Are you copying everything again?" Jessica sneered, her gaze lingering disdainfully on Melanie's skirt. "First the necklace, then the hair, and now the skirt?"

Other students started to glance over at Melanie, causing her to look down in embarrassment. She wished desperately to get rid of Jessica. She was better than that bitch!

"Please just shut your mouth..." Melanie muttered under her breath, almost incomprehensibly.

Fortunately, the school bell rang before Jessica could retort. All the students, including Melanie, headed to their classrooms.

During class, Melanie couldn’t help but glance over at a few of the popular girls. They were so beautiful, so admired, and so infuriating. Her eyes darkened as her thoughts took a sinister turn. These thoughts... these damned thoughts just wouldn’t stop! Thoughts of Jessica’s death and the demise of those wretched girls plagued her mind. Maybe her birthday party next week would be the perfect opportunity to satisfy these dark desires? Yes, maybe that would be it! Yes...

Later that day, during lunch, Melanie sat alone, still brooding over her dark thoughts. Her friend Sarah noticed and approached her.

“Hey, Melanie, are you okay?” Sarah asked, concern evident in her voice.

Melanie looked up, startled out of her reverie. “Oh, hey Sarah. Yeah, I’m fine. Just... thinking.”

“Thinking about what?” Sarah sat down beside her, her eyes full of worry.

“Just... stuff. You know, school and all,” Melanie lied, trying to force a smile.

Sarah wasn’t convinced but decided not to press further. “Well, if you ever need to talk, I’m here for you.”

“Thanks, Sarah,” Melanie replied, genuinely touched by her friend's concern. But as Sarah walked away, the dark thoughts returned, more persistent than ever.

After school, Melanie went straight to her room and locked the door. She couldn’t shake off the anger and frustration she felt towards Jessica and the other girls. She sat on her bed, her mind racing.

“I can’t keep feeling this way,” she whispered to herself. “I need to do something about it.”

Her gaze fell on her clown costume again. Melanie would use the birthday party as a way to confront Jessica. She would finally take control.

“Yes,” she thought, her heart pounding with excitement. “My birthday party will be perfect. It will be the day I finally get rid of them.”

Melanie smiled to herself, a twisted sense of satisfaction washing over her. For the first time in a long while, she felt powerful, in control. Next week couldn’t come soon enough.

On the day of her birthday party, Melanie put on her costume. She wore black and red leggings, high heels, a shirt and vest, and her belt, which held a pocket watch and binoculars. She carefully fastened her Steampunk mask. But this time, she had something new to fulfill her long-held dream: a large hammer decorated with spikes. With it, she planned to get rid of Jessica once and for all. It was perfect!

As Melanie sharpened her canines with a nail file, she lost herself in thoughts of Jessica's end. Finally, she would be the better, stronger, and more beautiful one. Her thoughts were interrupted by the sounds of the party. The guests had already arrived; only she was missing for the show to begin.

“Melanie, are you ready?” her mother called up the stairs.

“Almost, Mom! I’ll be right down!” Melanie replied, looking at her reflection. With one last glance at her perfect outfit, she picked up the hammer and descended the stairs to the living room.

Only a few people were there: her mother, her sister, Jessica, and some classmates. Without being noticed, Melanie sneaked up behind Jessica. With a firm grip, she grabbed her and pulled her into the storage room. Jessica turned around as the door clicked shut.

“What are you doing, Melanie?” Jessica asked, alarmed.

“You’ll see soon enough,” Melanie said with a cold smile. In one elegant swing, she smashed the hammer against Jessica’s head. The scream was loud but brief, soon drowned out by Melanie’s maniacal laughter.

“Melanie!” her mother screamed as she entered the storage room and saw the horrific scene. Melanie, now consumed by rage and euphoria, lunged at her.

“You don’t understand, Mom! No one understands me!” Melanie shouted, raising the hammer again.

Her mother backed away, eyes wide with terror. “Melanie, what have you done?” Her voice was a whisper echoing in the room. “Please, stop!”

But Melanie could no longer stop. Control over her actions had slipped away, and she knew there was no turning back.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20 ⏰

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