The ark of pain

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It's one a.m at night. Mr Augustus run out from the house with Evie followed him from behind. Y/n is no where inside the house. They look around the house but she isn't there
Evie : She's not here
Mr Augustus : Let me call her ex boyfriend. I think she's with him
He take his phone to call Taehyung
Evie : Sir Y/n
Mr Augustus look up and saw Y/n is coming. He run to her
Mr Augustus : Y/n where did you went? Do you have any idea how worried I became
Y/n : Dad don't talk to me now. Right now I'm so sad. I want to stay alone
Saying that she went inside the house and Evie followed her. Mr Augustus rubbed his forehead and go inside

Sitting in his office cabin Taehyung was working on his laptop when Lara run inside the room without knocking
Lara : Kim Steve is dead. Someone kill him
Taehyung : What!?
He stand up from his seat.
Lara : The maid found his dead body in his room in our stuff quarter. I think Y/n killed him
Taehyung : Y/n..? No no she can't do this
Lara : You're saying this after seeing how mercilessly she killed her own grandfather
Taehyung : I don't know.. I can't blame her like this without any prof.
Lara : I'm sure it's her
Taehyung : I can't assume anything until the police find the killer. 
Lara : I'm telling you it's Y/n

Evie was cutting some fruits for Y/n and Y/n was staring at the knife in her hands without blinking. Suddenly she asked,
Y/n : Ms Evie which dead will be more painful, stabbing someone with a knife or choking him with nylon rope?
Evie was taken a back by her question but soon she managed herself and placed the knife on the side. She smile before replying
Evie : Every death is painful but we should live and also let the others live happily cause everyone deserve this beautiful earth
Y/n : No. Not everyone deserve to live. Some people should die... they should die
Saying that she get up and walk towards her room. Evie wash her hands and go to Y/n's room as well. It's not safe to let her stay alone

Evie come to Y/n's room and saw she's taking out her clothes from the cupboard
Evie : Are you going somewhere Y/n?
Y/n : Yeah I'm going to office to meet my Tae
Evie : Can I come with you?
Y/n : Sure. I will introduce you to Taehyung

Lia : Congratulations Ms Lara. Finally you remove Y/n from your way
Nancy : And Ms Kim is officially your boyfriend now.. yay..
Lia : Now give us the money you promised
Lara smirk and take her phone. She transfer money to both of their accounts
Lara : I sent two thousands dollars to each of your account
Nancy : Pardon me Ms Lara but I think I deserve more. I got attacked by that psycho Y/n two times for your plan
Lia : Oh come on I make her almost eat the abortion pills
Lara : Shut up. Stop arguing or I'm taking back the money from both of you
Lia look down and Nancy roll her eyes.
Lara : Leave my office right now
Both of them left

Taehyung was explaining a file to a employee when Y/n come and snach the file from him and throw it on the floor. Taehyung become dumbfounded. She stick with him and cupped his cheeks
Y/n : Are you still on one me? Let's go back home I don't wanna stay at dad's place
Taehyung look around and saw all the employees are staring at them.
Taehyung : Y/n go from here. We'll talk later
Y/n : No I know you will ignore my calls and won't come to take me. I'm sorry I should listen to you but trust me after climbing down few stairs I was going back cause it's not good for babies health and that Lara-
Lara : Kim what is she doing here? Don't tell me she'll still work as your assistant
Y/n : Shut your garbage like mouth bitch or else I'll rip it.
Taehyung : Y/n let's go from here
He hold her hand and drag her outside. Lara, Nancy and Lia followed them

Evie was already standing outside.
Y/n : I'm also angry with you. Where did you go with that Lara yesterday? You even touched her cheeks. I will not spare that bitch easily
Taehyung leave Y/n's hand and said,
Taehyung : Go from here Y/n. Go away from my life I've tolerated enough. I'm tired. I can't take your behavior anymore. Please Y/n try to understand I need mental peace. I can't live with you
Y/n : You... you want to leave me?
Taehyung : I already left you but you just kept coming to me. Why don't you understand the simple thing
Y/n : But... you promised me that you will never leave me
Taehyung's eyes more softened and he hold Y/n's shoulder
Taehyung : I'm sorry but I have to break the promise. I can't do it anymore
Y/n : Don't you love me anymore?
Taehyung : I don't wanna love you anymore
Y/n : Then prove it
She said staring at his eyes. Taehyung take a deep breath
Taehyung : I really wanna move on
Saying that he walk towards Lara and it on his knees in front of her
Taehyung : Ms Lara I now it's so sudden and quick but you said you will help me to move on and it's only possible if you become my other half. So Ms Lara will you marry me
Y/n tremble and was about to fall but Evie hold her.
Lara : Oh my god yes..
Taehyung get up from the ground and smile at her
Taehyung : Thank you so much.
Lara was about to kiss Taehyung but he stopped her
Taehyung : Please give me some time
Lara : But I'm your fiance now
Taehyung : Will you go on a lunch date with me?
Lara : Sure
She wrapped her hands around Taehyung's arm and they started walking away. Lara turn around while walking and smirk at Y/n who's looking so broken. As soon as they left from her sight Y/n hug Evie and started crying in her chest
Nancy : Aww.. poor girl. I'm feeling bad for her. Her Taehyung just proposed someone else in front of her
Lia : My Taehyung will never leave me..
She said imitating her voice
They laughed at her
Nancy : Her Taehyung just crashed her heart
Lia : Along with her ego
Nancy : Let's go on a club tonight. We need to celebrate poor Y/n's breakup
Lia : Yes. We own a treat from Ms Lara
They walk away while talking and Y/n was just staring at them with her red eyes

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