Byakuya Kuchiki- Oneshot

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Logic has always been your way of operating. 

That's why when you became a reaper and people assumed you were a guy you never corrected them. It was exhausting always trying to justify to them because at first glance it would seem like a lie. You preferred ease, and it would be a hassle. It's not like you were really bothered because you and the other kids basically grew up on the streets, so you had no one to impress. The head captain knew so that was enough.


It didn't really explain your current situation. The gash on your stomach and the six reapers unconscious on the ground spoke for itself. You'd run into a little hollow activity.

Logically you should have ran off, went for help, but that monster was cutting down your comrades and you sort of reacted. You'd gotten just one of them. This last one was proving to be a bit more of a challenge.

"Show yourself."

You gripped your sword, closing your eyes as you did your best to concentrate. It assumed it was at an advantage because you're injured. Maybe that's what gave you the upper hand, because when it appeared right before you, you just lifted your blade and it went right into its jaw, through the skull. The shrill cry followed after and in a matter of seconds there was no trace of it.

You grunted, holding your side as you rammed your sword into the ground to keep your body upright. The bodies around you were down, but still breathing. You just needed to make it back, get help. With a shaky breath, you tried to stand, but your stance was unsteady. All you did was lift your head and your eyes widened as you coughed up a mouthful of blood. You gave in, closing your eyes. You fully expected your body to hit the dirt, but when your eyes opened, whatever you were leaned against felt firm.

Softer than the ground, but steady.

Looking up, your eyes tracked the familiar white cloak.


It was a captain, it had to be. You aren't sure if it's Komamura, but you're thankful nonetheless.

You could rest.


"All the patients are recovering. We have (L/N)-san to thank for that." Unohana states.

The captains were lined up, giving a briefing on the incident. There were a few injured, but nothing detrimental. Something they could all be thankful for.

"It was lucky that you made it there when you did Kuchiki-taicho." Unoahan's words simply earned a nod from the other captains.

"Given the extent of those injuries and the situation it's understandable that all of them were tended to. But why did you separate (L/N)-san, were those injuries more extensive than the others?" Toshiro's question had a few of them wondering the same. For a second she assumes it's a joke, but the general curious expressions alerts her that isn't the case. Unohana places her hand next to her lips laughing.

"What's so funny?" Shinji inquires.

"(L/N)-san is a woman, it would be improper to treat her with the men. Especially with how bad the injuries were." Byakuya is the one who answers and Shinji gapes, along with the rest of the captains.

"SHE'S A GIRL!!" The simultaneous response comes.

Komamura nods.

"I was under the impression that everyone knew. " He speaks casually.

"How the hell would we know that!! I've been addressing her wrong for years. Why didn't she correct me!!" Shinji reasons.

"She's very laid back when it comes to that topic. She prefers to avoid the hassle of explaining herself."

"That's a shitty excuse!!" Shinji continues to complain.

Unohana is still smiling, and Yamamoto hides a smile of his own.

The rest of the week drags along, uneventful.

You'd pretty much healed in the span of two days heading to visit some of the others who'd been hurt. Smiles and laughter were exchanged among the group of you. They were grateful, and so were you. That's why as you were heading back that evening you'd decided to stop at the sixth squad barracks. It takes a while to get to the captain's office. Knocking on the door, you wait for the invitation.

"Come in."

You slide the door open, stepping in as you bow.


Lifting your head, you offer a smile of gratitude.

"I wanted to thank you for helping me and some of the others during that attack. I'm grateful."

He hasn't had many encounters with you, but he's gained an understanding of your personality. So he expected the visit.

"It is my duty as a captain to protect."

"Yes, of course. Thank you again."

His eyes stay planted on your form.

"Why did you never correct them?"

For a moment you're confused, but then you remember what your captain had told you, and you can't help but laugh softly.

"I never saw the need for it, Kuchiki-taicho. I'm used to the misunderstanding. So it's expected that they would have a hard time differentiating. I'm a bit lacking in the feminine department." You joke.

"You're beautiful."

If you expect anything, it isn't that statement.

For a moment you just stare, and then the color begins to crawl up your face. You can't believe he just said that, better yet he's wearing such a stoic expression after delivering such a sweet compliment.

Flustered, you start stammering. You're not sure words are even coming out of your mouth at that point.

When you finally gather yourself, you bow one last time, excusing yourself as you offer some more thanks. The second you're outside, you jump into the air in hopes that the wind will get rid of any heat in your cheeks.

It doesn't help a bit.

You're a mess.

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