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"It's ok Ju-won. We're here for you" I reassured him as he cried in my arms. My heart was broken for poor Ju-won. I knew that wall he wanted to do was get revenge for the abuse him and the other kids had experienced.

Park Devani's pov:

After a while, Ju-won finally calmed down. "It's ok Ju-won. I won't let anything happen to you. I promise" I said to him honestly. He looks at in my eyes.

You could tell that he was exhausted. Exhausted from the constant bullying and mistreatment. "Just trust me and Kang ha and we'll get revenge" I assured him. I could tell he was a bit hesitant but nonetheless he agreed.

"Now C'mon lets go home now. Your moms probably worried about you" I instructed as Kang ha handed him his phone. We all left the library. We waved Ju-won goodbye .

"You know I understood his anger. If I was him and in his position, I would've done the same thing" I muttered as I glanced at Kang ha before getting on my bike and biking home.

The next day me and Kang ha headed to the police station to report the school and the ongoing bullying that's been going on. It was finally happening. We wrote out detailed report along with giving proof so they would take us seriously. Time for our plan to start. This is only the beginning. 

Me and Kang ha are walking through the halls. Students were being called to be integrated for the matter. As we're walking Ms.Han stops us. "You guys have some nerve" she sneers. I scoffed.

Says the one who sleeps with her student who is way younger than her. He was baby when she graduated. "In all my years of teaching, I've never seen a scholarship student like you two. I had no idea that you guys would cause all this havoc on everyone ate Jooshin High" she spat as she glared at us.

"That's exactly what we came here to do. To make everything right no matter what and to catch who killed my brother. And by that I mean get revenge. I hope you are not one of those people or else I'll feel sorry for what we're about to do to you" Kang ha states bluntly as he looked her up and down before walking off. Her face has went pale.

"It's ok Ajumma(Grandma). Don't let your teeth fall out ok?" I teased. She glared at me but I didn't care. I followed after Kang ha. I walked to the vending machine and picked a snack to get.

I quickly grabbed my snack and entered the classroom. I see the rich kids crowding Kang ha, asking him why he reported them. I walked over and stand next to Kang ha. "You guys are being ridiculous" I stated. Suddenly Tae-ho stands up.

"That's dumb. So it's ok to treat them badly because they don't pay to go to school?" Tae-ho questions. I smiled at this. "Yah! What's this shit?" Yun-seok shouts. "He's right about that" One boy shouts. "We shouldn't have to be marginized and bullied just becasue we're not rich kids" One girl shouts.

I felt my heart grow warm. They were finally standing up for themselves. Yun-seok throws a desk out of anger. "Have you lost your damn minds?" He shouts. "You shouldn't have done something wrong if you didn't want to be reported" Kang ha says bluntly.

"You're just upset because you no longer have control over them" I scoffed. He rushes over and grabs Kang ha's collar. He pulls back his arm to punch him but stops. "Yun-seok, let go" Jae-i orders. I rolled my eyes. The wench is here. I walk out the room no longer interested on what takes place. I eat my snack out in the hallway.

"Devani!" I hear a voice shouts. I look to see Woojin storming towards you. "We need to talk" he says as he drags me outside. "What do you want to talk about?" I asked bluntly. Suddenly a blue car comes speeding towards us. Woojin wraps his arms around me and pulls me out of harms way.

Ms.Han steps out the car as Woojin walked over to her. "I just wanted to say goodbye before I go" she says innocently. I rolled my eyes. I knew she wasn't innocent. "I just handed over my resignation" she says. Woojin whispers something in her ear that I couldn't hear. She gets in the car while glaring at me and drives off.

Woojin walks back over to me a little bit angry. "You called the police on me?" He ask in anger and disbelief. I stare at him with disinterest. "Woojin, I don't think we should see each other anymore" I stated bluntly.

His facial expression dropped. He was hurt, confused, and in disbelief. He opens his mouth stuttering. "What? Why? What did I do?" he asks. I looked him in his eyes. His eyes pleading me to tell him that I was joking but I wasn't. It was all real.

"I can't forgive you for letting In-han get bullied and not doing anything to stop it. You let him get bullied so bad and now you still don't truly feel bad that he died" I sighed. "Please don't do this please Dev. I'm sorry. Please I love you Dev" he sobbed as he kneeled in front of me. I looked at his crying figure and felt nothing.

His tears meant nothing to me. I felt no remorse. "Woojin, you do not love me. You are just simply obsessed with me. You do not love me, you love the idea of me. You need to let me go and accept that. We are over goodbye Lee Woojin" I stated bluntly before walking back into the school.

I make my way back to class. Jae-i walks over to me. I rolled my eyes and I tried to put my head down. "I know you don't want to talk to me but I have proof that will help you find out who killed In-han" she said as she put a flash drive in my hand. I look up at her.

I nodded my head at her in appreciation before leaving the class to go to the library, dragging Kang ha with me. I plugged the flash drive into the computer. I watched the whole thing. In the end, revealing Ms.han. I felt sick to my stomach. She knew what she did.

Me and Kang ha rushed to report this to police as evidence. I made sure before I turned it in to make a copy of the drive.

The next day, the police showed up taking Yun-seok away and raiding the principal's office. Me and Kang ha rushed to Ms.Han's house. Once we arrived, we saw her in handcuffs. I tried to lunge for her but the police stopped me. I couldn't believe she had the audacity to try and escape.

"MS.HAN. I WILL MAKE YOUR LIFE HELL. THIS ISN'T THE END. I'LL MAKE YOU EVER REGRET EXISTING" I yelled as I thrashed in the police's arms as they held me back. I looked her in her eyes. I wanted her to feel and see my anger. I watched as they put her in the back of the cop car.

"C'mon lets go" Kang ha says as he grabbed me. As we're walking, I get a call. I answer. "Hello?" I asked. "Hey sweetie, me and Kang ha's mom will be arriving home in 20 minutes. We're back" I hear from the other side. I felt my heart jump with joy. "Your back?! Ok We'll see you then" I say with joy before hanging up. Kang ha looks at me confused. "Our moms are back. They'll be home in 20 minutes" I said excitedly.

His face widens in happiness. We both rush home. I ordered food. The bell rang, I opened the door and there was standing our moms. We rushed and gave them a hug. We all sat down and began eating together. Me and Kang ha informed them of what happened. "Oh wow" Kang ha's mom says. "With a student?" My mom gasps and I nodded. After a while of catching up, we all went to sleep. 

The next day, we entered the school. Everybody looked lost. Now that they were busted, they didn't know what to do. I watched as the principal walked out of the school with her box full of her things. Then the new principal walked in. I bowed to her out of respect.

"Good morning Ms.Kang"  I greeted. "Good morning" she winked as she made her way to the office. I waited out in the hallway as I waited for Kang ha to exit the classroom. A few minutes after, he walks out, wrapping his arm around my shoulder as we walked down the hallway. He pulls out his phone texting Ri-an anonymously. "You look shaken, Kim Ri-an". Like I said, this is only the beginning. 

Author's note:
I don't got anything to say to this.

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