Yay!!! Uppies!!! :D

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Shawn to Spas-12 TF/TG/MC

Shawn was a 18 year old boy who was fascinated with airplanes ever since he was a toddler. But he was pretty much an asshole.

Then today, he received an invitation letter from...some unknown person. He looked closely at it, and then saw that it was at some place in the middle of the forest.

He wanted to just tear up the paper, but he saw that AIRPLANES were involved! He then hot so excited and sped off to the location.

6 and a half hours later...

Shawn had managed to reach the location and took deep breathes to catch his breath. He then looked around to see almost nobody. Except for one shadowy figure...

He was terrified when he saw what it was exactly...

"HELLO FELLOW! MY NAME'S ANIMATIC!" Animatic happily exclaimed before grabbing his arm and POP! they were both gone.

Shawn found himself in some strange background. He saw that the grass was flat and that the bushes were red. But how could that be possible?

Before he could question it, Animatic grabbed his arm and bit into it. Shawn screamed out in pain as he felt the changes were starting.

He felt his arms going numb. And then, his arms straight up snapped off of him as blood gushed out. He then fell over in pain as he felt his legs going numb too.

Then just like his arms, his legs then snapped off of him as blood gushed out too. His nose and ears then sunk into his head as his hair fell out into clumps.

Then his entire face was basically fucking gone. He then felt his body slowly shift shape until he basically became a whole ass gun.

He then felt a jolt to his..."mini Shawn". He then felt it shrivel up into nothingness...even though he was supposed to be genderless, he felt like...A SHE?!

"Wh-What the fuck?! Why am I a gun?!" Shawn screamed out.

"T-This can't be possible! Ugh...I must be hallucinAAAAAAAAGH!!!" Shawn screamed out as she felt the mental changes starting.

Spawn felt his memories slowly depleting as she groaned in pain. She felt memories of liking airplanes fading away as she whimpered.

"Ugh..." Spas-n muttered as she continues to groan in pain.

Door stopper/Daniel had heard her as she walked over to her. Spas-1 then noticed her and uses her last amount of energy of energy and memories to ask her...something! Anything!

"....u-u-uppies?... 🥺🥺🥺" Spas-1 pleaded.

Doorstopper had then remembered that TOMATER was bothering so much even when she wanted to be alone, and that...he was touching HER grass...

"...my...grass..." Door stopper muttered.

So Doorstopper did what Spas-1 asked of her and then picked her up with her leg. And just like that, Shawn was gone, and Spas-12 was born.

"Yay! Uppies! (≧∇≦)" Spas-12 happily exclaimed.

Doorstopper would then go off to have a small "chat" with TOMATER on how she really didn't appreciate how he stepped on HER grass and BOTHERED HER when she WANTED to be ALONE...


Elsa to Eject TF/TG/MC

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