This day will be good, for now. [CHAPTER 1]

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TW: Alcohol
Side Note: The spaces between messages are to let people comment on each sentence in conversations, or not.

Today was a normal day as always in the world of Regretevator, the elevator doors open, and Poob walks in. He is occasionally sprayed and thrown petals at, frowning a bit each time, and dancing to the petals swinging his arms up.

Pest was also there, he didn't like that he was here, preparing to be annoyed by this energetic fella.

"またあなたではありません、素晴らしいです.." Pest said in Japanese.

"Wat did you say, pestie??" Poob asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Don't call me pestie." Pest scoffed, irritated.

"But it soundz so funne!" Poob giggled a bit after saying this.

"Ar you gonna com to the parte todae!?" Poob jumped up and down.

Pest crossed his arms, still irritated. "I will, if you stop bothering me today."

Poob raised his arms in the air. "Yay!!"

Pest starts to get more irritated by the time passing. "Hmph."

Poob pretended to be a little angry. "Don't get grumpe, pestie! Your always so angy to me!!"

Pest scoffs. "You get on my nerves, Poob."

Pest pointed at Poob. "Can you shut up now?"

Poob blows his party horn, still happy and dancing to the petals.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

The elevator doors open, going to a unfamiliar floor, but there's disco lights everywhere, with a few guests.

"This our stop pestie!!"

"I guessed, never seen it though."

All the players walk in while Pest and Poob walk in too, there's snack bowls on a few tables, with a public refrigerator for drinks. Some guests are having conversations, while a few of them are chilling eating or drinking. Surprisingly, there's a dance floor too.


"Oh no.."

"You want me to dance, don't you.."

"YAH!! Is so fun!!"


Pest pondered to himself for a few moments, before agreeing.



Poob grabbed his arm, pulling him to the dance floor.



Poob lets go of Pest, doing his iconic dance emote.

Pest ponders if he should do the same, but shrugs it off and does it anyway.

Both of them are just shaking their legs and arms hopping, pretty much a dance I guess.

After their done, they get a few snacks and drinks, eating and drinking. (At one point Pest did take two shots of alcohol.)

"Hey pestie!!"

"Stop calling me that for once. I told you."

"Are you enjoying this at all!! Or are you just gonna be so grumpe all za time!?"

"I am, I guess."

"Well I hope so."

"Anyways, do you remember that one guy in AGT?"

"That bottol that appeared in hiz azz guy!!?"

"Yeah, it was hilarious."

"Hehehe.. yeah it waz! He got all for buzzas in a inztant!!" (for is four, spelling mistakes are on purpose)

"Mhm.. oh god the alcohol is kicking in.."


"Oh no.. you got drunk.."

"hic Don't worry yellow guy.. I'm alrrrighhhtt~!"

"Wat am I gonna do now?"

"I can hic control myself buddddyyy~."

 "Well I'm gonna go explore, tak care of youself."


Poob goes a little coo-coo crazy. [Regretevator AU]Where stories live. Discover now