Exploring the Party [CHAPTER 2]

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Poob went on to explore the party, he also had a few conversations with some people. It was pretty fun.


"Hey, who are you?"

"I'm Poob!"

"That's nice, I'm Dude."

"Yor name is just Dude?"

"Mhm.. how's the party?"

"Is awsome!! SO AWSOME!!"

"Your quite an energetic one, huh?"

"Of course!!"

"That's great to hear."

"Am gonna go explore evn mor, tak care!"

"You too."

Poob went on to explore, having even more conversations. One thing did catch his eye though, this metal door..?

"Wat this??"

Poob approached the door, not expecting what's going to happen, but his curiosity got to him.

Poob opened the door, heading in. It was dark, but Poob had a flashlight. He turned on the flashlight, he explored through some corridors, most of the hallways had compartments of boxes for storage, there was even a few balloons, this was unexpected.

Poob walked from a corner, and saw something.. horrifying..

There was a dead person, it looked like they got mauled by a lion.

"Wat the #### happened here!?"

Poob had a huge shocked expression, he turned around, running to get out of there. But before he reached the exit. Something painfully hit him on the head, knocking him out.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Pest finally sobered up, vomiting. He glanced around.

"Right.. I'm still here."

He didn't see Poob anywhere, he went asking people to know where he went, especially Dude.



"Have you seen someone with a party hat? Specifically called Poob."

"I actually have, he's really energetic. I'm Dude, by the way."

"I'm Pest, by chance do you know where he went?"

 "No, not at all, but that metal door is open, it's off limits, it's the basement, but I feel like he got curious and went inside." He pointed to the now-open door.

"Damn that curious bastard.." Pest whispered to himself.

"That's all I know. But hey, I'm not the one who hosted this. I won't stop you from looking for him in there."


Pest still went in anyways, he had to look for Poob, even though he hated him, they were frenemies.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21 ⏰

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Poob goes a little coo-coo crazy. [Regretevator AU]Where stories live. Discover now