Chapter 1 : I miss you Gai

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No one's POV :
After the defeat of Manus and the Super Belt incident, the Running Man are looking forward on having a long rest after all they've been through

But another problem has occurred and it will change there life's of the Running Man forever


Miyo's POV:
It's been two weeks since we defeated Manus and the Super Belt incident, and the Running Man is finally able to take a well-deserved break. Everyone is happy, thinking that all their problems are solved. But not me. I'm the one who's not happy, and it's all because of my thoughts about Gai.

When will he return to us? To me? Has he moved on from the Running Man and started a new life? I hope he's not dead. He can't be, right? He's just busy, I tell myself. But deep down, I have so little hope that he will return.

I don't care where you are, Gai, just please come back to us, to me. I miss your annoying flirting and teasing. I miss your cute smile, and your cheerful laughter. I miss you, Gai.

I know that we've been through a lot together, and I've seen you at your best and worst. But no matter what, you were always there for me, and I miss that. I miss our bond, our relationship, and the memories we shared.

I know that life goes on, and people move on. But I can't help but feel a sense of loss without you by my side. I hope that one day, you will come back to us, to me, and we can continue our journey together.

Until then, I'll hold on to the memories we shared, and hope that someday soon, you will return to us, to me.

I miss you Gai

"Miyo!", startled by the sudden shout of my name, I jumped out of bed, landing on my butt on the floor. "Miyo!" the voice called out again, this time more urgently. I looked around, trying to locate the source of the shout, and spotted Liu standing in the doorway of my room. "It's time to eat breakfast, get up!" he said, his voice calm and reassuring.

I groaned and threw off the covers, rubbing my eyes. "What's the hurry?" I muttered, still half asleep. Liu chuckled and entered the room, his face filled with a happy expression. "You know how important breakfast is, especially for someone like you," he said, helping you out of bed.

After a quick wash and getting dressed, i made my way to the kitchen, where Liu had already prepared a delicious breakfast for me. I dug in, savoring the flavors and textures of the food. Just as i was about to finish my meal , Liu called out, "Guys, come outside right now!"

I quickly swallowed the last bite of my breakfast and hurried outside, where i found Liu standing in the middle of the yard, surrounded by a group of people. There was a lady standing beside him, looking worried and distressed.

"So what is it, Liu?" Lonky asked, his brow furrowed with concern. "Is someone in trouble?" Pala added, his eyes fixed on the lady.

Professor Sandy, a middle-aged woman from the bug tribe with a kind face and a determined look, stepped forward, her eyes filled with concern. "Let me introduce myself first," she said, her voice steady. "My name is Professor Sandy, and I need your help, Running Man."

Me and the others exchanged curious glances, intrigued by the sudden appearance of this mysterious woman. "What do you guys need help with?" I asked her, my voice filled with a mix of curiosity and concern.

Liu, who had been quietly observing the scene, stepped forward and spoke up. "Her team discovered an abandoned underground laboratory," he said, his voice filled with a sense of urgency.

Kuga, who was usually the quiet one, suddenly asked, "Is there something in the laboratory that made you guys come for our help?"

Professor Sandy nodded solemnly, her expression filled with concern. "Yes, monsters like no one has ever seen before," she said, her voice trembling with worry.

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