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Inu: I know I said Aknamkanon and Amara will be appearing this chapter but... that plan got changed. Sorry. I had a different idea for this chapter and I think it went well. -smiles-

Yugi: -shakes head- You always change what you have planned. This is why we never stick to one plan when it comes to a story.

Heba: Anyway, this should explain up somethings. Also we changed who controls what items!

Inu: Now that everything is cleared up, on with the story!


Chapter 3- What!?

Heba fallowed Atem behind him silently. He wasn’t sure where he was going or even if he should speak just to break the tense silence that was between them. There were so many thoughts running through his head, mostly questions he wanted to ask. When Atem stopped Heba was so lost in thought he didn’t notice and ended up walking straight into the man.

He looked up as Atem chuckled a bit at the action. “Lost in thought little one?”

A dark blush covered the boy’s cheeks and he turned his head away, only nodding as an answer.

Atem smiled at this and opened the doors to the room that was next to them. “I know you have a lot of questions and don’t worry, I plan on answering all of them if you follow me… however…”

A confused look came over Heba’s face at the last word. He had a bad feeling about this. “However?” He asked almost a little hesitantly, slowly raising his head to look at the other man.

Atem and Heba’s gaze locked at that moment, both staring into each other’s eyes. Heba could see the uncertainty in his crimson eyes, as if he was fighting with himself on telling Heba whatever it was he should.

Atem swallowed thickly and turned back to the room. “…Never mind. I’ll tell you after.”

Blinking in confusion Heba watched Atem walk into the room, motioning for the teen to follow. ‘What was he going to tell me?’ Now more questions plagued the teens mind but he followed Atem into the room never the less. He had a feeling he was going to regret this slightly.

Looking around the room once he was in he realized it was an enormous library. Books and shelves covered every corner and in the middle of the room was a desk, which the pharaoh sat behind. He moved to the chair across from the desk and Heba sat down in it, watching Atem flip through a book that was in front of him.

“Where should I start…?” He mumbled causing Heba to laugh slightly.

“Ah cliché, then here is the cliché response. ‘Why not the beginning?’”

Atem chuckled and nodded his head before picking up the book and handing it out to the teen. Heba blinked in confusion before taking it and glancing down at it, reading the title on the cover. “’The curse of the moon’?”

Atem nodded before sighing and lacing his fingers together, his elbows resting on the desk. “You see young one, we were not always like this. We also used to be a part of the earth realm as you know; you history books have records of us.”

Heba nodded to this and Atem continued.

“We used to be a vast kingdom that was feared by many, everything seemed to be perfect, until 5012 years ago. When I was only 12 summers old.”

Heba flipped through the book he was handed and listened carefully to Atem. ‘If everything he said was true, that would make Atem 5018 years old.’ He noted in his head, a little shocked that he was sitting in front of someone who could say they have lived through everything. “What happened?” His voice was barely above a whisper but he knew Atem had heard him.

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