95~ Broken Them

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Ardhansh's POV

I drove hastily after receiving the message from Abhay that she had shown some movement, arriving in less than fifteen minutes.

I tried hard not to remember her, yet everything reminded me of her: the weather, the smell of my body, the breath I was taking, the limping heart in my chest.

Everything belongs to her, whom I should eliminate from my life. Until my death, I can't be separated from her, and I know that.

Yes, she lives within me. No matter how much I degrade her, be selfish, or push her away, she is stubborn and always comes back in my thoughts.

She is shameless that no matter how much I crush her self-respect, she still forces me to think about her.

She is Fucking an attention seeker, making me feel for her without even being present. She is a dark stain on the name of women, making a man helpless to both hurt her and love her with the same passion.

The hate for her increases in my heart every day, but at the same time, it makes me yearn for her love.

I hate her. I hate her so much that I wish I could kill her, but I don't want to die. After all, my life lies within her.

A tear slid down my cheek as I stepped out of the car, slamming the door shut.

I entered the house, only to be met with a haunting silence, as if a funeral had just taken place. I threw my blazer and car keys to the butler, signaling him to park the car.

My eyes fell on my devastated parents, but I ignored them, walking straight toward my son's room.

I opened the door and saw them sleeping peacefully in bed. I moved towards the bed and pulled a blanket over their little bodies.

I kissed their foreheads and exited the room, signaling their nanny to go to sleep.

I moved towards the stairs, but my father's voice pulled me back, "I need to talk with you, NOW."

I didn't show any attitude and walked back, taking a seat in front of him, just beside my mother. I signed Abhay to check on the doctors who were treating her.

"Who is she, Ardhansh?" Mom asked and I pulled her in my embrace.

"Your daughter," I answered and she bursted into tears, crying over my shoulder.

"She isn't my daughter, Ardhansh? She doesn't smile like my daughter used to. You just brought back a dead body and are labeling her as my daughter. God won't forgive you."

A tear rolled down my cheek, and I hugged my mother to my chest, kissing her hair. "She will smile, Mom, after seeing you. Don't worry."

I assured her, though I wasn't sure if she would even recognize any of us. She had almost run away from me, and an unknown fear was settling deep within my heart.

She couldn't have overheard the conversation between Yana and me. I can bear everything, but not that.

"Who is behind all this? I just want that bastard's name," my father interjected, pulling me out of my thoughts. I glanced at him and saw the rage in his eyes, but his slumped shoulders told another story. For the first time, Adhiraj Singhaniya had tears in his eyes, and a smile came to my lips, thinking at least he loves her.

"I will take care of it," I answered, gulping a glass of water. I didn't want to answer him, nor did I want him involved in this.

He would worsen the damage I had caused, and moreover, he would target her. That would be the last thing I want to see.

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