lxiii. new members & wedding talks

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CHAPTER SIXTY THREE - 🍂୧ new members . . .
& wedding talks ও🦌

AFTER THE INCIDENT THAT SAVED Mary, Marlene, and Dorcas, Dumbledore extended an invitation for them to join the Order

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AFTER THE INCIDENT THAT SAVED Mary, Marlene, and Dorcas, Dumbledore extended an invitation for them to join the Order. Initially, there was some hesitation, but seeing their friends already part of the secret society ultimately swayed them to join the Order as well.

The newly recruited members, now officially part of the Order, were briefed on the details of the Order and their roles within it. They were also filled in on Autumn's ability, which was met with a mixture of fascination and concern.

A few of them whispered among each other in hushed tones, glancing at Autumn every now and then with intrigued and somewhat nervous expressions—but only lasted for a moment before the girls began to smother her.

Sirius, who was observing the room, chuckled and nudged James playfully. "Looks like your girl has acquired a new member in her fan club," he quipped.

James sighed and rolled his eyes, scoffing as he said, "I thought I had escaped the girls when we graduated, but now they've found a way to smother her again."

Remus snickered as he walked by, adding, "And to make it even better, it's not just Dorcas and Marlene this time – Mary seems to have grown fond of Autumn too."

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