Chapter 6: The Voice

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Leo awoke with a start, the morning light filtering through his curtains more blinding than usual. He groaned and sat up, feeling a strange discomfort in his body that made it hard to settle back into the blanket. His mind lingered on the unsettling changes from the previous day, the taunts from Kyle, and the growing sense of something being off.

Dragging himself out of bed, Leo hesitated before heading to the bathroom, bracing himself for whatever new surprise awaited him. When he finally forced himself to look in the mirror, he gasped. His reflection was startlingly different. His hair now fell in soft, loose waves to his shoulders, its texture smooth and silky. His face looked even more feminine, with rounded cheeks, fuller lips, and bright, almond-shaped eyes that sparkled with a curious clarity.

"What is happening to me?" he muttered, his voice cracking. He ran a hand over his cheek, noting the absence of stubble and the softness of his skin. His gaze traveled down to his chest, where the hoodie he'd slept in clung to a distinctly feminine shape. His waist had narrowed, and his hips curved gently, accentuating the changes that had progressed far beyond what he could rationalize.

"Well, good morning, sunshine!" an unfamiliar, feminine, cheerful voice chimed in his head.

Leo blinked, startled. "Who said that?" he demanded, looking around the bathroom in confusion.

"Just little old me," the voice replied with a playful lilt. "You seem surprised. Weren't expecting a chat this early, huh?"

Leo's eyes widened. He looked back at his reflection, half-expecting it to start talking to him. "Am I... hearing things?"

"Nope, just me," the voice said, its tone light and teasing. "So, how do you like the new look? Pretty spiffy, right?"

Leo stared at himself, his heart pounding. "Who are you? What's happening to me?"

"Oh, you know," the voice continued breezily, "just you, the true you, here to keep you company. And about your look—don't you think it's kinda cute? I mean, look at those eyes! Absolutely dazzling!"

Leo shook his head, gripping the sink. "This can't be happening. I'm going crazy."

"Crazy? Nah, just having a little makeover," the voice said with a chuckle. "I mean, change can be fun! Think of it as an upgrade."

Leo's thoughts whirled. The voice was so distinct, so full of personality. It was almost like having a conversation with someone else entirely. "You're not real," he insisted, trying to keep his voice steady. "You're just in my head."

"Of course I'm in your head," the voice replied, sounding amused. "Where else would I be? Besides, what's so bad about a little company? We're in this together, after all."

Leo felt a shiver run down his spine. "In this together? What does that even mean?"

"It means," the voice said with a playful tone, "that maybe it's time to roll with the punches. Embrace the new you! It's not like you can stop it, right?"

Leo looked back at his reflection, feeling a mixture of fear and bewilderment. The face staring back at him was both familiar and foreign, a strange blend of his old self and this new, feminized version. The voice in his head continued to chatter cheerfully, adding to the surrealness of the moment.

"Oh, come on," the voice teased, "give it a chance. You might find you actually like some of the changes. I mean, those lips! Perfect for selfies!"

Leo felt a bubble of laughter rise in his throat, despite himself. "Selfies? Really? This isn't some makeover show!"

"Who says it can't be?" the voice quipped back. "Life's too short to be serious all the time. Besides, I think you're rocking the look."

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