Chapter 23 (Magnus): Nothing

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Copyright © 2024 by GroveltoHEA

Although nothing would ever cause me regret like my decision to cheat on Magnolia, deciding to stand my ground in front of the two men who were about to kill me was almost as stupid.


"Are you not running because you wish to leave the trial and give up your claim to the witch?" Sumrak asked me slyly.

Since my lips were still sealed shut, I shook my head violently, just so there could be no misunderstanding. I would never give up because that would mean there was no chance to win back Noli. Of course, if I were dead, that would also mean I had no chance, but I'd rather die in a trial than just walk away from her.

Where was this resolve when it would have mattered, asshole? Where was your  determination to protect your relationship instead of inviting that serpent in?

"Well, always thought you were stupid," Yonaka said. "This cements it."

"Let the trial begin," Tarek said, and then the three fairies were gone and I was just left with a whole lot of murderous rage in front of me.

The two men looked at each other. 

"If you won't run, we'll help with that."

And then the two of them threw motherfucking lightning at me that surrounded me like a ball and Butcher threw me.

Threw me.

And I landed a hundred yards away, in a tree, and I fell through the branches, trying to slow my descent, cutting up my hands and feet in the process.

When I hit the ground, I was a little chewed up, but nothing that would stop me.

"Now run," I heard Butcher yell.

"Make this somewhat of a challenge," Oberon called.

Yeah, I'll run...right toward you.

So I did. I went running to them. I was not going to turn my back and run. Not when Noli was on the line. Not when I was tired of fucking everything up. I was going to face shit for the first time and not be a coward.

They did the same thing to me, over and over, for hours, and every time I came back at them, each time a little more chewed up and a little slower.

Stupid? Definitely.

But I didn't care. I wouldn't take the coward's way out. I didn't deserve this and I wasn't going to run from them.

Eventually, I wasn't running back to them. I was walking, then limping, but I kept coming back. Then the next throw broke my arm when I hit the trunk of the tree. Didn't care. I went back to face them.

I didn't do anything.

But I couldn't say a word.

Eight throws later, I felt something crack in my calf, so I had to drag myself back to them. I went back.

"This needs to fucking end," Oberon said.

"Time for a mercy killing," Butcher said, and he slammed me to the ground and drew back his fist, just as the sun started to rise.

Dusk to dawn.

"Time!" Tarek called as he and the other two appeared, and Butcher's fist froze right above my face. I had no doubt that would have been the killing blow. I breathed shallowly for a few moments, then rolled onto my side, forcing myself to my one good leg. When I was more or less upright, I cradled my broken left arm in my possibly fractured right hand.

WORK IN PROGRESS: Three Witches #1: Magnus and MagnoliaWhere stories live. Discover now