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Hmmm its peaceful....suspiciously peaceful...more like...calm before the storm...
"Ahh good morning miss l/n,how are you feeling?" "Hmm,good" i said dryly
"So I have good and bad news for you,which one do you want to hear first?"
"Anything's fine" "so will go for the good news,so you're getting a roommate" a roommate?hmm wonder what they're like "and the bad news is....your illness is getting worse,and you're most likely live for 5-6 months,but we'll do our best to cure you,so no need to worry..for now" "does my mother know?" "Not yet,but we'll tell her right away after this" hmmm...i guess i'll die soon...its not like there's a cure for this cancer anyways,why not I just die early? There's nothing left here for me anyways, and M/n hates me,more like despises me,she's only taking care of me 'cause she promised father to take care of me..tsk..whatever..
"Sorry for the intrusion miss l/n but here is your new roommate" I look at the door,their entering with a patient on a bed...i guess they're really my roommate till i die. "HEY HEY HEY" I looked at the person that is now occupying the once empty corner of my room, wow they're loud. I thought as i glanced at the owl looking boy beside me. "HEY HEY HEY NEW ROOMIE,the names bokuto,bokuto koutaro! Nice to meet you!" "Y/n L/n"
"Well I guess you're gonna be stuck with me from now on! Hey why are you here anyways?" The owl questioned "Heart cancer" I answered shortly "what about you?" "Oh im here 'cause of brain cancer! But im gonna beat this cancer and live freely again! Say how tong have you been here?" Ask the owl again "2 years maybe 3? I dont know..." I said "WOW THAT LONG? HOW DOES IT FEEL?!" "It sucks,sometimes i get lonely" "well you dont have to anymore from now on 'cause you have me! The great Bokuto Koutaro!" I looked at him "say,your name's familiar,you're the top 5 aces in volleyball right?" "YEAH THATS ME HEY HEY HEY!" Hmm intrueging I thought as I felt a tug on my lips "I watched one of your games and im impressed at your skills maybe if you beat your illness you can play again" i said calmly " yup! Thats why im going to survive and beat this cancer!" I wish i got that much enthusiasm to live... Cant say I do not envy that...but good for him I guess..

~time skip~
A week later after getting a new roommate
I guess he's decent,I enjoy he's company, something inside me that keeps telling me that I need him in my life...I feel this tingling feeling in my stomach and i feel warm everytime he smiles...but i guess ever happy story has a disaster in it.

I was having a stoke..i cant breath...i cant see anything...gosh didn't expect to die so soon...

*POV: bokuto*

I was talking to l/n-chan when suddenly she started shaking,she's having a heart attack!! I pressed the button beside me to call the nurses,in no time there are nurses and doctor checking on her..oh god please not so soon..I haven't told her what i felt about her..she always makes me happy and warm inside and she gives me the butterfly whenever she smiles or laugh at the jokes i make.. I was cut of to my thoughts when the nurses got out of the room,I ask the doctor how was she,they said that she needs to rest and she was ok for the meantime..thank god...im glad she's ok.

A/n:ohhh first chapter of the day,its a bit short but its ok..hope you enjoy~


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