chapter three ౨ৎ

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Instagram Stories

Instagram Stories@florenceinez

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taylorswift replied to your story ->

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taylorswift replied to your story ->

i wanna come☹️☹️☹️

fly to atlanta rn🙏
my shows in 3 days anyways🤷🏼‍♀️


miss mysterious.
call me i cant sleep🥺

Real Life

After Florence had fallen asleep on call Taylor had ended it, she had a flight to catch so she could surprise her in the morning. Millie was in on the plan so she was helping Taylor.

During the flight she couldnt sleep her nerves were taking over as she thought of the brunette girl.  Her beautiful smile which shed only ever seen on call, or her dark brown eyes. No matter what she did to distract herself her mind would always go back too Florence.

Once off the plane the plan was finally in action. As they pulled up at the filming studios Taylors nerves took over, but she got over herself when she saw a younger brunette girl sprint over. Millie. She hugged the girl tightly swaying softly before she dragged her towards her trailer, where Florence had been spending most her time while her sister was filming.

Breathe in, breathe through,
breathe deep, breathe out.

The door swung open and before she could speak Florence had wrapped her arms around her. Taylor couldnt hide her smile as they hugged tightly.

'oh my fucking god what are you doing here!' the girl squealed as she hugged Taylor.

'thought id surprise you! with a little help of course!' she said gesturing towards Millie who was recording.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22 ⏰

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