Rivals into Teamates (dean portman)

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Y/N and Dean Portman had always been at odds. Both were fiercely competitive, and their rivalry on the national hockey team was notorious. They couldn't be in the same room without tension crackling in the air.

The team had just finished a grueling practice session, and everyone was exhausted. Y/N was sitting on the bench, untying their skates, when Dean walked by, dripping with sweat and still full of energy.

"You know, if you spent as much time practicing as you do talking, you might actually be good," Dean sneered.

Y/N looked up, eyes blazing. "Funny, coming from someone who thinks brute force is a substitute for skill."

Dean rolled his eyes. "Whatever helps you sleep at night, Y/N."

The coach, sensing the brewing conflict, stepped in. "Alright, you two. Enough. We're a team, remember? Start acting like it."

Both Y/N and Dean muttered under their breaths but fell silent. The tension between them was palpable, but they knew better than to argue in front of the coach.

The next day, the team had a big game against one of their toughest rivals. The atmosphere in the locker room was tense. Everyone was focused, but the usual banter was missing. Y/N and Dean were on opposite sides of the room, pointedly ignoring each other.

As the game progressed, it was clear that their opponents were not going to make things easy. The score was tied, and the pressure was mounting. In the final minutes of the game, Y/N found themselves with the puck, racing towards the goal. Out of the corner of their eye, they saw Dean charging down the ice, perfectly positioned for a pass.

For a split second, Y/N hesitated. But then, with a deep breath, they passed the puck to Dean. Dean caught it effortlessly and, with a powerful shot, scored the winning goal.

The crowd erupted in cheers, and the team rushed onto the ice to celebrate. Y/N skated over to Dean, a hesitant smile on their face.

"Nice shot," Y/N said, extending a hand.

Dean looked at the hand for a moment before shaking it. "Nice pass."

From that moment on, something shifted between them. They still bickered and competed, but there was a newfound respect. They pushed each other to be better, and the team benefited from their combined talent.

One evening, after a particularly tough practice, Y/N and Dean found themselves alone in the locker room.

"You know," Dean started, breaking the silence, "I never really hated you. I just... didn't know how to deal with someone as good as me."

Y/N chuckled. "Same here. I guess we both have a lot to learn."

Dean nodded. "Yeah. But I think we're getting there."

As they left the locker room together, there was a sense of camaraderie that hadn't been there before. They were still rivals, but now they were also teammates. And that made all the difference.


I hope this helps! If you need any more details or want to adjust the story, let me know!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21 ⏰

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