Vanderwood NSFW Alphabet

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A: Aftercare (What they're like after sex):

Probably not... The most attentive. If you seem off, he'll notice and ask if you're okay, but the two of you never do anything especially risque so he doesn't see the need for aftercare unless you ask for it.This is actually annoying as shit, but because of his clean freak habits, he insists that the two of you shower and change the bedding (if you had sex on the bed) before going to bed for the night. The plus side of this is that since he's the one who insists on the shower, he at least has the decency to wash your body/hair, dry you off, and tuck you back into bed for the night.

B: Body Part (Their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner):

His favorite body part on himself is his hair. It's long, beautiful, well-cared for, and unique. He thinks it's pretty and takes a lot of pride in it.His favorite body part on you is also your hair. He likes to play with it, pull it during sex if you'll allow it, and style it for you. He finds it both beautiful and sexy.

C: Cum (Anything to do with cum):

Actually sort of grossed out by it.Like, hates the texture, the smell, the look, all of it. When he masturbates, he cums into tissues, throws them away, and scrubs himself raw because he hates it that much.Won't cum anywhere except for in your pussy/ass/mouth because of this as he would feel genuinely bad getting it on you. Probably wouldn't even go against this unless you REALLY wanted it for some reason.

D: Dirty Secret

Would love be submissive if you initiated it, but would pretend he was only doing it to satisfy your desires. Secretly wants to be taken care of/pampered/doted on by his s/o both in day to day life and in bed because no one else has ever done that kind of thing for him.

E: Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they're doing?):

Never slept around a lot or with the same person more than once before meeting you, but is experienced enough to have a general idea of what he's doing.

F: Favorite Position:

Likes doggy style. It's practical, easy, and creates the least sweat in his experience since you two aren't pressed flush against each other (though he will bend down sometimes and press his chest against your back so he can grab you by the jaw to turn your head and kiss you, that's another story).He adores putting his big hands on your hips and admiring the curve, watching the slight jiggle when his sharp hips slap against your asscheeks, and pulling your hair (if you don't mind- if you don't like that, he'll leave it alone) to maneuver you however he wants.Honorable mention: it takes a lot for him to allow you to have control at first, but when your relationship gets deeper, he allows you to be on top/ride him, which quickly becomes his new favorite despite the sweat just for the intimacy and closeness of it.

G: Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc.):

Absolutely not goofy. Honestly I think if you made a joke at the wrong time during foreplay/sex he'd go soft and the mood would be dead. It'd take a week for you two to have sex again, and he'd scold you heavily (while also being incredibly embarrassed) for it.

H: Hair (How well-groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.):

Vanderwood keeps his long brown locks pulled into a tight ponytail during sex. Like, will step away if he feels like you two are about to fuck and go to the bathroom to fix his hair.Personally, I have a headcanon that Vanderwood despises the sensation of body hair on himself, so I think he's clean shaven everywhere.

I: Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect...):

He's quiet, but loving; kissing and admiring you the whole time. He won't give you a romantic monologue mid-fuck, but the adoration in the room when the two of you have sex is so thick you could cut it with a knife.

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