2. Different Circle

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Becky was happy next day thinking she made 2 friends at college even though it's difficult for her considering her extrovert nature.

There another day at college Becky arrivs college gate by car with her father dropping her and Freen watches her with lok of insecurity.

Freen is also reached gate while waking with her newly formed friends actually freen is extrovert girl incase of girls only she can't even talk to guys properly out of fear.

But despite of that she made Krik her friend. As he is being too nice to her helping her with other stuffs.

Becky looks here and there as everyone is there with their friends she feels disappointed in herself while freen gang approaches her.

Freen invites Becky to join them. But Jim don't like Becky that much and draggs freen without even hearing Becky.

Becky thinks freen is making fun of her and starts to think freen as bad girl.

Where Yuki approached Becky from behind and then they both laughs while making their ways towards classroom.

Freen and gang is sitting on front desk but still she is taking glimpse of Beckys beuty again and again.

While nop joins Becky and freen feels jelose and Krik reaches her as it is and tries to talk to her.

Krik : "Hey bunny. I know you are looking at me some time ago. Naughty girl"

Freen : "Why I wouldlook at you. What's special there" says while lifting her eyebrows

Jim : "Hey Krik, she is definitely looking towards you moment ago. Good progress man"

Jim : " we will hand over our child to you, but remember to took care of her "

Krik : "I will definitely take good care of her mother in law. "

Tim : "But we are not going to provide any money for expenses from now on so go and bring us. Soda . Son in law"

Freen shook of their act in fun and at the moment professor enters classroom

After the class Freen again took a look at Becky and says to people's in class to play game to guess movie so she can be friends with Becky.

Everyone agrees and teams are formed for guessing game of movies. Freen desperately tries to include Becky in their team.

But Becky remembers morning incident and forms another group with Yuki and nop and other people's.

Thenthey starts the game and Becky gives one international movie.

And most of peoples are unable to guess it but Freen guesses it correctly.

Becky wonders to find some one with similar intrest to her.

I middle of game Jim intentionally make fun of Becky by saying.

" So you want to show us you are forener miss Armstrong" she says this like she is bullying Becky.

Becky cries and immediately leave the class while running towards washroom.

Nop and Yuki also follows her to confront her meanwhile here freen become angry at Jim.

Freen : "Are you mad Jim. What just you did"

Jim : "I said nothing wrong"

Freen : " everything is wrong Jim. Why did you do that "

Freen became too angry and grabbs jims hairs in rage.

Krik : "Leave it Freen what are you doing"

He grabs freen from behind while tim attends Jim.

They both start fighting and maked fuss all over then becky and her people watch all this from door while professor enters classroom and send Freens gand outside.

On outside freen and Jim solved their issue.
Freen got to know about Jim had feeling for nop since middle school. But as he is now with Becky she feels jelose.

After this all of them got settled while Freen's image ruins onsite of Becky.

Some days are passed with little mischiefs of Freen and gang. Now everyone has fear about them as they continuesly paranks everybody.

But professors knows freen as brilliant student as she is good at study. But they also knows she is leader of this pranking squad.

They continuesly get called into principles office because of their mescheifs.

As day of exam in going to come Becky started to prepare by her sole. When she is studying in classroom her thoughts 💭 💭:

Freen seems so relaxed even though there are exams she is still playing with squad.
She's too good she has lots of friends. Everyone likes her .teachers also likes her. She is good in study too. And more importantly she is too funny.

Becky feels bit of jelose of freen and Freen also felt the same in case of money.

After exam it's revealed that freen has highest score in class and second was Becky.

After that freen got another chance to talk with Becky and she does so.

And this time it's different both of them wanted to become each other's friends.

Thereafter as toppers they participated events, projects and everything with each other as per teachers order. And they got to know each other more .

Because of this both of their gangs got combined with time.

Freen and Becky became best friends afterwards.but nop always keep sticking to Becky and Kirk with Freen .

Everyone on college assumed that they are couples as freen - kirik and Becky - nop.

Jim also got a boyfriend outside of college. And they even got intemate with each other.

All this is problematic because of society. Freen don't allowed to have boyfriend by her parents and Jim too.

On other side Becky's parents are open to all boyfriend stuff.

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