Ian meets lilli

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Jane went back across the road to grab lilli and headed back over to number 45. She saw Cindy storming out in a hissy...
"Ian... I didn't mean to cause issues... we don't have to do this you know" said Jane
"You haven't" he muttered "she's been in a hissy for weeks..."
"I know Peter said" mumbled Jane "I don't think he's her biggest fan I won't lie to you"
"Yeah well he's got his reasons not too be"
"Mummy it's the man from the picture isn't it" she mumbled
"Hello sweetheart you must be lilli!" Said Ian
"Yes baby it's the man from the picture" she smiled
"What picture?" Said Ian
"Just one from the wedding" she muttered "mum had it, and I just never took it down"
"Oh right" said Ian "come on, in you come, you'll catch a death out here"
"Mummy look it's you" said lilli running over to a photograph on the side "and that's that boy I saw earlier with aunty Lauren"
"Clever girl" nodded Jane
"Bobby never said.." said Ian
"Bobbys not going too because bobby doesn't want to know" said Jane "it's not that. I know he's changed now. We've just been at a distance since you know, the whole thing with her dad came back"
"Daddy's coming back though isn't he mummy" said lilli
"We've been over this baby" said Jane "Daddy's going away for a little while.. and then maybe he'll come back one day" said Jane "we've just got to wait and see"
"She is beautiful Jane, she really is" said Ian
"Thankyou" said Jane
"So.. I heard you'd started business up north"
"It's just a cafe. It's nothing too shabby" she nodded "but we enjoy it. It works" the door went Lauren and Peter walked in
"AUNTY LAUREN!" Screamed the girl wrapping her arms around Lauren
"Lil! What are you doing here!" Said Lauren "I thought.."
"Long story" said Jane
"He's not done it again surely?" Said Lauren
"Well you know what he's like" she muttered
"Who's this?" Said Peter
"Janes little girl" said Lauren
"You never said" said Peter
"Yeah well it wasn't a big deal" said Jane
"Course it's a big deal" said Peter "Oh Jane I'm so happy for you!"
"Thanks" she muttered
"Tea anyone?" Said Lauren
"I'd love one" said Ian
"Jane you'll give me a hand won't you" Jane noffdd and followed Lauren into the kitchen "are you alright?" She whispered
"Fine" she muttered
"You said you wouldn't come back here over your dead body.."
"Yeah well" said Jane "things happen"
""I'm worried about you" she mumbled
"You don't need to be honestly love" she nodded "I'll be fine. Promise you"
"No but" said Lauren
"I'm not taking the risk of going back" she mumbled
"What about the girls"
"I haven't thought that far forward yet" she muttered "I will. But there as happy as they can be with Ellie. They don't need me."
"Your there Nan of course they need you" she muttered
"No I know" said Jane "I don't plan on staying away forever just until it's all calmed down"
"I doubt anything will happen this time" said Lauren
"No it will.. especially now" said Jane "if he's been dealing again like they said. They won't spare lilli. Not this time."
"Bobbys here" shouted Ian
"You'll be alright finishing this" said Jane
"Yeah course" Lauren nodded as Jane walked out the kitchen
"mum!!" Said Bobby running over to Jane
"I'm so sorry" she said wrapping her arms around him "I should never have left you like that. I should have been here and I wasn't I'm sorry"
"It's alright I understand now" said Bobby
"It doesn't matter whether you understand or not baby. I've been away 5 years and I shouldn't have been. I'm so sorry"
"You had your reasons" said Bobby "Peter told me..."
"I couldn't let him hurt you Bobby. I couldn't"
"I know mum. I know" said Bobby "you don't need to cry. Your here now that's the main thing" Jane just smiled with tears in her eyes
"Mummy is this the boy?" Said lilli "
"This little lil" said Jane crouching down to her level "is your big brother Bobby" she smiled
"Mum" said bobby "oh my god I'm so happy for you" he said wrapping his arms around her
"You're the one mummy's got all the pictures of." Said lilli "you, me. That person" said lilli pointing to Ian "and the alien baby"
"Lilli" said Jane confused "what alien baby"
"The alien baby" said lilli
"Do you mean you" laughed Jane trying to brush it off
"No daddy's got one too"
"Yeah daddy has because it's you" said Jane "Before you were born" she aid said rolling her eyes only one other person in that room knew the truth.
"That's not what you said" said lilli
"Well you've got a better memory than mummy then peach" said Jane
"Come on lilli, we'll go pick Louie up from school yeah? Get some sweeties on the way back" said Lauren
"Okay" said lilli
"Thankyou" whispered Jane to Lauren she nodded and walked out the front door.
"I'm so happy your here mum" said Bobby
"I'm so glad to see you love!" Said Jane "I need to meet this Anna soon!" She smiled
"What was lilli on about?" Said Ian
"God knows" she muttered "her dad chats some utter nosence sometimes. And it's probably just something he's put in her head.. honestly"
"Really?" Said Ian "because you seem so on edge"
"Because I am on edge" said Jane "but that's only because marks been dealing again. I swear"
"No." Said Ian "it's not that your on edge about"
"I think I'd know Ian"
"Bobby could you give me and your dad a minute" said Jane
"Yeah course" said Bobby "I'll go get Anna"
"That'll be nice love" she nodded "I can't believe I'm about to tell you this"

"tell me what?"

"i'm pregnant.."

doof doof doof

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