6- Matches and More

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This morning I woke up happy. Only this day and tomorrow of school, then Christmas break! I blend in a lot of blush to my face. For me, winter is over blushing time. Cute! All of a sudden I grimace, ew. I have to do that stupid exposé thingy with Joseph. I sigh as I pull up black tights and on top of that I layer a black mini skirt. I pull a red off the shoulder top on me. Quickly I rush down the stairs, nearly toppling over.

"Hi ma" I began as I sit down gobbling toast.

"Jesus what's got into you... oh, Christmas break, huh?" My mother asked knowingly shaking her head with a sigh.

"Yep I'm just so excited!! Anyways, goodbye love you!" I kiss my mother goodbye as I run to the door.

Walking down the lane to where my bike is I look around, I love living. I love life and the sense of it. It's wonderful, days like this. Then as I swing onto my bike, the cold hits me- Nevermind.(hate life now.) Cycling to school, I just hum, feeling the freezing air hit against me. Finally reaching the school area, I lean my bike to a wall, locking it some random pole. With that I cross the road.

Shit. I hear a loud screech.Sheepishly I turn my head in the direction of the sound.

"What the fuck?" An old French man yells at me. Oh hell no.

"Awk fuck up sir." I call back rolling my eyes as a few people witnessing laugh, including Joseph. Annick just shakes her head.

"Not my fault he's blind!" I complain as we walk to the first class of the day together, home room kind of was forgotten about, oops!

"Sure, whatever you say." Annick retorts back sighing, clearly on that old man's side.

"No no- I'm serious-" I cut off as we now walk into class, Mr Douillard raising a brow.

I take my seat as he begins his speech, I roll my eyes looking at Annick who silent scolds me.

"Okay, time for our exposé presentations. How about... Joseph and Enikő?" He smiles.

"Oh fuck off..." I mutter lowly. Of course me first, just of course!

Getting up I walk to the front, holding out the poster for me and Joseph to read off of. He gets up, walking towards me leaning his arm behind my back. Uhm? Hot much? I begin first reading out,

"Me and Joseph chose the Katyn massacre, the slaughter of nearly 22,000 unarmed Polish military officers, police officers, border guards and POWS. This was carried out within Stalin's order. The Soviets then tried to cover it up." I speak up clearly.

It took us around 8 minutes to read. After my voice finished the last sentence, a smile playing at my lips. I was proud! Everyone clapped.

"Amazing! Just absolutely splendid, you may take your seats Mr Descamps and Ms Áts." Mr Douillard compliments , genuinely looking impressed for once in his life.

Joseph nods at me with a grin as he goes past to sit down. I smirk back.

Finally lunch rolls around, I quickly thank Michele and Simone for their compliments on my presentation as I walk with Annick outside.

"Mrs Couret is playing in the student teacher football tomorrow, you know?" Annick informs me.

"Seriously? God,she's such an icon, I love her!" I sigh as I spin around. Gaining a laugh out of Annick.

"Haha I know. Just like you in PE." She jokes

"Real. I'm just a pro at football." I tease back with a big grin.

"Sure you are." Joseph's voice cuts through our conversation, him walking with Dupin.

"Aw shush you know I am." I retort huffing.

"Whatever you say." Joseph chuckles back as he walks on. God, how I hate him.

With that the school day goes by in a flash, soon enough I was just at home lying in bed. When all of a sudden I jumped up.

"Last day before break tomorrow!!" I scream reminding myself. Earning me a...

"Shut up!" From my mother, her voice bellowing.

Oops. I lay in my bed wide awake kicking my toes together laughing. I do this yet wonder why I get called weird sometimes. Sometime within that I must've fallen asleep.

This morning I woke up with a stride in my step! I giggled as I said this in my head.(old people sayings are funny.) Brushing through my hair endlessly, I run downstairs,grabbing a chocolate bar as I rush back up, change into a white long sleeved top and a dark,red skirt. Latching onto the doorframe I lean back, reaching to my bag. I run out the door, no one to say goodbye to.

Reaching school, nothing interesting happened on my bike ride. I go in the gates, Annick had already made her way to the match I assume. The bitch better have saved me a seat!

I walk to the football pitch, spotting Annick. I run up to her as I slam down beside her.

"Last day! Last day!" I chant happily.

"Gosh you'd think we'd have just graduated school forever!" She rolled her eyes at my enthusiasm.

The match was kind of shit, the ref being cheeky to Mrs Couret, saying her goal hadn't counted. A whole argument had began. I felt the urge to step in(as always.)

"Fuck you ref, she clearly scored you blind bastard!" I yell into my arm. Ducking down.

The referee looked horrifically offended as he looked for the culprit, who everyone was now laughing about, thank god he didn't even look in my direction. The goal finally counted, and the students had won though anyways. The match took up the whole of day.

I said my goodbyes to everyone as I hugged Annick.

"Girl we better hang out over the break." I sigh to her.

"Yes of course we will, I'll call you ahead of time okay?" She reassured me shaking her head at my drama.

"Okay. Love you, bye!" I let go of her as if a child on the first day of kindergarten.

Getting on my bike I cycle past Joseph.

"Bye Enikő! Hope to see you over break!" Joseph nodded as I cycled past. Now hold up, he hoped to see who over break... me?? Ugh.

"Haha so we'd both hope, bye!" I call back, still confused at his previous statement.

Later that night I lay in bed annoyed by my feelings- Wait, what do I care? I'm free of school!

I turn to the poster on my wall, a poster of Brigitte Bardot, one of her on the set of 'Come Dance With Me'. It was signed by her, she had included a quote too, reading, 'Do you have to have a reason for loving?'. I love Brigitte Bardot, each time I met her she was lovely. Thinking onto a new exciting topic I was due to speak with her again in January. I had always wanted to be like her, an actress, a great one. I had already fulfilled in her model career as I was set for a Christmas Photoshoot soon. Most people in this town didn't know of my modelling, due to the magazines not really being sold in this area out of my concerns.

Hey, why am I going so deeply into this? I should be downstairs baking! It's soon to be Christmas!

Authors note;
Btw Enikő is heavily based off of Brigitte Bardot, a famous French Actress at the time period for those who don't know.

Oh God, how I hate him | JOSEPH DESCAMPSWhere stories live. Discover now