1. I am limited

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In a deep and scary voice, he said:

- You will never go away from me. You have to listen to what I say. We will stay together. We are a unity. I am here to help you, not to make you suffer.

After midnight, he was sleeping upstairs in his room. His thin body was moving calmly until he started shaking from time to time. His medium-length hair obscured his entire face. He was like any student in his first year in high school sleeping late and waking up early the next day to go to school. It was obvious that he was having a bad nightmare, caught in its grip as he muttered:

- I do not want you to stay in my life. I cannot be what you want me to be. I am limited. I do not fit in this world.

He answered him from the darkness in the same scary and low voice:

- Why not? You are just like any other human being; people have fears just like you. They have hopes just like you. They have the same feelings just like you. You should stop isolating and torturing yourself. You are a normal human being. You have to control your feelings. Guide them; do not let them guide you, Ethan.

- Stop talking, please! You are throwing all of these things at me. Untie me first. This chair is making me feel that I am going to fall. Moreover, show me yourself. I am just seeing a strange shadow in the darkness.

Ethan was trying hard to untie himself from the chair, but he was feeling very tired, so he stopped, and then started looking at the shadow that he could see him. Then he said:

- How a person can guide his feelings when these feelings are part of who he is? You are saying insane words. These feelings are part of me. They are who I am. They protect me from this awful world and push me to see its truth.

- No, young man, they are not part of you. They do not even protect you from anything except depriving you of enjoying life. For instance, I did not tie you to any chair. The chair exists only in your brain. I do not have the power to do that, but you gave it to me now so I can pretend that I have it. It is the same game that some people use it against you, my friend. You gave them the control over your life when you disclosed to them your normal bad feelings and fears. You are the one who gives them the power to use it against you.

- You are playing me out. I was tied to a chair. Where is it?

- I did not tie you to anything. You have put yourself in that chair. As you put us in this dark place now. You can just turn it into a wonderful place if you want. It is always you the ones who decide. Look now, you have put us in your wonderful room. It is easy my friend. Life is just like this; you can live a wonderful life under any circumstances if you see the good side of it.

Ethan moved toward the dark side of his room where the voice was coming from. However, he could not see the speaker. He tried many times to go forward but somehow he kept feeling that something pushing him away. He angrily said:

- You are making all of this up to prove me wrong. I had enough of you! Get out of my brain. Get out!

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