One. 💔

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**Levi's POV**

Fuck. There wasn't a single thing on my mind except for that certain short boy (and no, I'm not talking about Sora. Jaxx would KILL me if I was.) His fluffy lavender hair, his tan soft skin, his precious laughter, his shy moments, his freckles... all of that was just everything to me. He was like an angel. An absolute angel. God, why is he so..–
SHIT. I'm not gay, right? I mean... I like Alex. It surely isn't gay to compliment all of  your best friend's brother's features right? Right...?

My inner monologue was interrupted by Alex yelling in the kitchen. "WAKE UP EVERYONE! I MADE BREAKFAST!" She yells. "I'm quite surprised she's so energetic despite it being only morning..." I mumble to myself, groggily getting out of bed and walking to the kitchen where the rest of the squad was. Though, one person was missing... Light. Before I could even mention that though, someone beat me to it. Charlie, of course.

"Wait, where's Light...?!" She says, before quickly running up the stairs and into his room to go wake him up. After a minute or two, Charlie walks back into the kitchen, a lavender headed boy following from behind tiredly.
"Mn.. G'morning..." The boy mumbles. Cute. I– I MEAN..?!
Alex set a plate of 2 pancakes drizzled with syrup for everyone on the table, which we all began to eat of course. I couldn't waste some good pancakes, after all, I'm quite hungry after not eating for a while......
After we all finished, Alex mentioned that we'd be filming another video today, the theme being cooking! I'm not the best at cooking myself, but I think it'll be a pretty fun video with the rest of the squad. I smile to myself softly.
I go up to my room upstairs to change and shower. To be honest, I didn't really feel like showering. I just... didn't really have the motivation to. But regardless, I forced myself to anyway.
After we all finished, we gathered in the kitchen where Alex began streaming. "What's up guys! Today, we're doing another cooking video! We'll be making a cake! Or, well.. At least try!"  She says, and everyone laughs, including myself.

About 30 minutes in, I couldn't help but notice that Light was REALLY shaky, and there were times where he'd mess up things. Not that I blame him but I was just worried, is everything alright with him?

Charlie was prepping the frosting, before Light accidentally made her drop it. "S-shoot.. Charlie, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to, I-!"
"WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU LIGHT?!" She yelled, catching everyone's attention. "WHY DO YOU KEEP MESSING UP?! YOU'VE DONE NOTHING BUT JUST MESS UP AND MESS UP... OVER AND OVER AGAIN! WHY CAN'T YOU JUST BE USEFUL FOR ONCE AND NOT SO–..." She cut herself off. "Wait. Wait no. I didn't mean to..." Light just stared at her, tears flowing from his eyes, before he just started crying and ran to his room, shutting and locking his door behind him. Alex immediately stopped the camera and ran to Light's room, of course. She was his brother after all. Everyone else just stood there in pure utter disbelief and shock. Including myself. What.. just happened?

Jaxx was the first to speak up. "Charlie.. Why would you do that?!
" Silence. She didn't respond until a few seconds later. "I-I.... I don't know.. I just got really frustrated cause he kept on messing up and... I just kind of... said things I shouldn't have said to him.."
Alex came back shortly after with a sad expression on her face. "Light won't answer the door... I'm sorry everyone, we're gonna have to stop the filming here. We can... continue another time."
She says, before Charlie interjects. "No! It's all my fault, I yelled at him..." "No, No. It's fine Charlie. You didn't mean it. I'm sure you didn't. Let's just all... Take a break for a bit, okay?" Alex adds before going up to her own room, and everyone does the same.

end of chapter!
give me some recommendations for the next one!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07 ⏰

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