Chapter one: Deadlines and decisions.

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”The soul jam's corruption is by far interesting…There are traces of corruption in white lilies soul jam that can affect its owner thanks to the whole dark enchantress thing.” The first cookie said.

“But what would that mean?!” the second asked

“Unfortunately, this would mean darkness now runs in Dark enchantress's family. The oldest descendant will be at risk of taking over her legacy of darkness as in the rules of inheritance, the oldest descendant must step up for it or it can get passed down to the next in line. However if the oldest is an only child or in this case the last surviving descendant, then that cookie will take over with no choice.” The first one explained.

“In this case GingerBrave may be at risk of taking over that legacy and that would be no good.” The second one gasped

“He already has enough power to rival actual gods, The soul jam would give him enough to become something worse than a beast.. He could easily do more damage in ten minutes than I ever did in three days. My guess is he'd destroy earth bread in one hour.” the first one began to panic.

“Well, do you at least know when it will happen?” The second asked

“That's the problem, I don't know exactly when it will happen. But it would be better for you to stop it before or directly after the ceremony.”
Those words rang in wizard cookies head non stop. He flipped each and every page praying for something to stop this.

No matter how hard he looked he didn't have a single idea how to stop it.

He didn't rest at all, he didn't need to, He had about what now 4 hours until GingerBrave could possibly  destroy earth bread?!

But he stopped and thought to himself. He could just warn the ancient cookies-


They wouldn't believe him, if they can't accept the truth behind the cookies then there's no way in hell they would believe that.

He was running out of options, he came down to a few after some careful thinking.

The ceremony was in 2 hours. TWO. He began to panic.

He can't bring it to himself to kill him, if he tried sabotaging they would know!

He began to despair. Why were these feelings in the way?! He had to save earthbread, or GingerBrave's work would be tossed into the trash!

He has to figure it out. He doesn't have long.
GingerBrave fell off his bed after hearing custard cookie scream in his ear.

“Ow… What's the matter custard-” GingerBrave asked tiredly before being cut off by an energetic Custard cookie

“Today's the day! It's today! We're going to be the new ancient heroes!” He said with excitement.

“Did you have to scream in my ear though??” GingerBrave asked, a little annoyed.

“DUH! It's more fun that way! And it gets the job done faster!” Custard answered.

“Well we should get dressed before it starts, we have an hour before the day starts huh?” GingerBrave pointed.

“Yeah! Come on, let's go!”
The bells rang finally announcing that it is time for the new heroes to come. All five of them, different in ages emerged from the curtains and waved to each cookie who was cheering on their names.

First and definitely most obviously you have custard cookie the iii, the descendant of pure vanilla cookie and the new hero of the soul jam of leadership.

Next you have princess cookie, she may look weak and defenseless, she is a lot stronger than others may think, she was proud to be the hero of independence.

Then you have dark choco, He had his moments but he changed for the better he held his title as the hero of judgment with grace.

And who can forget adventurer cookie? Although he didn't plan on it, he will protect earthbread just like his mother did going around with the title as the hero of guidance.

And finally, the last hero was the reliable GingerBrave, his soul jam was the strongest of them all and meant the most as he held the title as the hero of determination.

But a part of him can't help but feel as if something was off. Not about his soul jam but wizard cookies absence.

It's probably nothing. Right..?

The five had replaced the retired ancients, who had to eventually crumble within the span of hours so according to tradition this day was to celebrate their retirement and the replacements.

The soul jam didn't really have an instant effect on some of the heroes but the younger ones like custard cookie felt the power course through his veins.

Still, the day was celebrated and after the celebration ceremony everyone went home to rest up.
The ancients crumbled the next day and a worldwide funeral took place.

It did get to GingerBrave a bit but he felt numb.

Like it didn't affect him at all as if he was used to it.

He wondered why he didn't cry like the others.

Maybe because he was used to it. This wasn't the first time and it won't be his last.

It didn't really matter. He was tired, he should probably rest. He'll figure it out later.
“Are you sure you want to do something like that?! I know you love him but I didn't think you'd resort to that!” the cookie asked.

“I'm surprised that you care, but that's why I'm doing it. It's because I love him”

The second cookie said as he turned around, colors strangely representing shadow milk cookie and dark enchantress at the same time with the appearance of a dark mage, his hair covering its right eye and His left a dark yet beautiful shade of purple.

“It's my only choice, I have no other. Nobody would believe me if I had told them, and he already has it.” the dark mage replied.

“It doesn't matter what he thinks, the me he once knew is in the past now. He wouldn't understand why I'm doing this and that's okay. But I'm doing this for him. This is the way things must be.” the mage continued

“And trust me, I have everything planned out, if everything goes according to plan then there is nothing for me to worry about.” The mage then ended his speech.

“Well then, good luck. I hope you succeed, Azure cookie.”

“I'm surprised that you hope at my success but I guess I can understand, thanks anyway, shadow milk cookie.”

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