Chapter 1 - No looking back now

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  I was allowed to keep a journal with me when moving here from the tower. It's cold.. I don't know if I'll get used to it, I don't know what to feel besides no regrets other than not getting to explain to licorice for why I had to leave with this beast. I hope my aunt will be okay now that he won't be bothering her anymore, but the guilt about this is no doubt getting to her. There is no date set, but I know it's an inevitability that is unavoidable. I can't be ashamed about my place in this since I do look similar to someone this beast apparently knew..

On a different topic, I was allowed to take two cakehounds with me, but that's it. At least they'll keep me company during. The flying here made me sick thou.. eugh. Way too fast for me, I've only just learned that I also vomit up grey fluids instead of the normal green. Must be because of the changes in my body. It's good to know, at least.

I wish I had more to do than write.. hm.. maybe if I figure out where I am, I can try to get Licorice to visit, but that means trying to get time outside.. dunno if I can complish that.

It's been a week of me being here. The silence is driving me insane, I don't know what to do, I'm being fed purely cold foods and I don't know how much more I can take of eating the cold foods, the icecream especially is making me sick. I might have an idea for what I could do to gain at least a bit of time outside, I'm not against it, I can tell that could be a possibility from moments I can just tell that behind that helmet that he's staring. I can't read him well enough to be sure. All I can do is test the waters with it even if it means making myself colder from it.

I just need to make sure I brought what I need to test it with. After all, I can't test it with what I have now.

I do have it, luckily.

[The writing looked messier]

The idea worked, but I never expected that I would enjoy hair pulling, I haven't ever felt this overly stimulated.. it feels interesting, to say the least. Sometime in the month, I'll be allowed to go outside, but he'll be outside with me to make sure I don't run off, which does make sense. I need some rest, especially after that. I don't know how I personally feel about it, but he didn't stay long afterward. He probably went to check on the other beasts.

[Hand writing is neat again]

So I finally got to go outside, I don't know where I am yet, but it’s like this massive cave, there’s purple crystals, salt flakes, stalactites, and stalagmites there as well. I'm not quite sure at all where this is, but if I got farther out, I might be able to.

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