Chapter Four: Hot Girl

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The three girls sat at their usual table before class, each in their own world. Naomi inspected her lipgloss in the reflection of her phone screen, Bridget still had her nose stuck in her textbook, and Gianna was scraping the extra cream cheese off her gluten free bagel with the focus of a Buddhist monk. It was Naomi who broke the silence. 

"Gianna, did you see there's a new girl starting today?" She said, still checking her reflection carefully. "Someone said she might try out for the swim team."

This caught Gianna's attention. She had been captain of the swim team for the last few months and usually all new try outs had to go through her and coach Dewey. "I didn't hear anything about that." Gianna said calmly. "Plus, if it's not on the Private Parts blog, it didn't happen." 

"Speaking of which," Bridget chimed in, finally pulling her focus from her studies. "Did you see what got posted last night? Do you really think Lori fucked coach Dewey?" She asked. 

"Who knows." Naomi rolled her eyes. "I wouldn't be surprised, though. She isn't that great of a swimmer yet she always gets to swim in every race? Sus." Naomi laughed and the others joined in. 

"Do you think she'll be in our year?" Gianna asked, raising an eyebrow. "Junior year is a little late to be switching up schools like that." She pointed out. 

"I heard," Naomi leaned in close. "that she's a junior and she's, like, totally into girls."

"Where the hell do you even hear this stuff?" Bridget cut in. "Seriously, Naomi, do you have FBI connections or something?" 

Naomi smirked. "Something like that." She teased, flipping her braids over her shoulder. Gianna and Bridget exchanged a look and laughed.

The bell rang and the girls gathered their things and made their way to class. They all had a History exam first thing, the exam Bridget had been basically killing herself all semester to ace. They found their seats next to each other and immediately started whispering about how hot the history teacher was. Mr. Garcia was tan, buff, and young for a teacher. His button up shirts were a always little tight on his arms and his pants showed off his perfect butt oh, so well. Naomi whistled when he turned around to write on the chalk board which prompted the other students to chuckle. Mr. Garcia never paid any attention to the fact that all of his students wanted a piece of him, but that didn't stop Naomi from flirting with him to mess with his head. She would never sleep with a teacher, but she liked flirting and Mr. Garcia was too hot to ignore. 

"Alright, class," Mr. Garcia turned to face the room. "I want you all to put away your phones and get a pencil out for the exam. We will be starting in a few minutes, I am just waiting on one more student who will be joining the class starting today."

As if on queue, a tall, blond strode into the classroom and waved shyly. "Hi." She said in a singsong voice that made Gianna want to barf. "I'm Rebecca, I'm new." Rebecca was a far too plain name for someone who looked like that. She was model thin with long, blond hair that fell in perfect waves around her perfect bare shoulders. Her eyes were green and decorated with a subtle smokey eyeshadow and light mascara. Her lips were full and heart shaped like a brats doll and had a faint reddish tint. Her shirt was simple tank top that showed her curvy midriff ever so slightly. Her skirt was dangerously short  and her thighs glistened as if freshly oiled. Her small feet were in cute, white tennis shoes and she wore a tiny gold anklet that complemented her tan legs. The girls in the class all shifted in their seats. 

"Go ahead and take an open seat, Rebecca." Mr. Garcia ushered her. "The exam starts in 1 minute so please silence your phones."

Gianna, Bridget, and Naomi looked at Rebecca and then back at each other. They didn't have to say anything to know what the others were thinking.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22 ⏰

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