Coming home c.1

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The car had reached its destination. She was safely buckled in her car seat. I glanced back at her smiling. I love my little girl. She kept me strong and kept me from loosing my fucking mind. We went missing 11 months ago I think. I turned back to stare at the garage. I wanted to scream out in happiness. I wasn't a prisoner anymore. Captivity is a fucking bitch. I got out the car and placed my feet onto the ground. They were bare. The ground felt good. I was so used to the dirt. But I was home. I sniffed the air and almost cried. It smelled like the polluted shit it was. I'd missed all the little things. When I was gone all I ever smelled was the fucking pine trees. The stench made me want to slit my wrist. I took in the sunshine as well. I heard Her whimper from the back seat. I ran to her door and took her out holding her and staring at her perfect little eyes. She looked like her father. Her father.. I don't know where he is. It's too quiet for him to be here. He cause to much trouble..he's not here. I closed the car doors and walked to the front door. I stared down the door for a while. What if he was inside? I traced the detail that was carved into the door I took a shaky deep breath and I knocked. They answered the door and there stood Courtney.

"Oh my god! Hodgy! Guys!" She screamed embracing me and staring at my baby. She smiled so hard.

"Come in now!" She was on the verge of tears real shit. The room filled with the faces of my friends. All shocked to see me alive probably. I had left so abruptly. Then again I had no choice in the matter.

They all embraced me. Courtney cooed over my daughter and tried to take her from me. I snatched her away. Court was caught off guard.

"I won't hurt her." She said sincerely.

"I know. I just don't let people handle her she's mine maybe in time you can but just not now Court I'm sorry." She shook her head in okay. She understands. It's like someone taking Trenton. I sat holding my baby rocking her gently.

"So what happened to you Em?" Frank asked sitting on the edge of his seat.

I sighed and looked his way. I looked at his face. I traced every feature he had with my eyes and began to speak.

"I-we went on a little vacation." I lied.

"A vacation where you tell no one and talk to no one? We were so fucking worried...Tyler wasn't though. He said you two talked you were fine." Frank said making the last part sound like a question.

"Your lying! What kind of vacation makes you lose contact for 11 months? We thought you fucking died! Tell the truth Elise." Travis said using my middle name.

Hearing Tyler's name made me shudder I shifted uncomfortably. I placed my child in her carrier. She was sound asleep. I stared at her for a moment taking it all in. I looked at them all.

"I don't want to start me coming home by telling lies. Tyler had us. When he got out on bail before his final trial I found the house he had Out in the woods I hoped I'd find answers but I found something much more sinister. He wouldn't let me leave. He kept calling me Sarah beat me starved me and when he left the last time he never returned but someone had. They'd give me food and water and would let me go out walking around the house. I never saw their face. I was too terrified it would end badly if I asked to see." I said. Rushing myself. I had developed that little annoying thing. Rushing myself when talking. I almost had a panic attack when I heard the door creak from the semi violent wind outside.

"Are you serious?" Travis said standing up. "I'll fucking kill him! He's fucking dead when I see him!" He shouted and paced around the room. He put his head in his hands.

"Relax man you know Tyler way to strong he'd break you." Jasper said. He sighed looking at my daughter.

"What esle happened? Who's baby is that? What's her name who's her father how'd you get here?" Earl blurted out. He looked worried as he watched me calm myself. Frank was sitting in his seat looking terrified and highly pissed along with Hodgy.

"The man who comes fell asleep I took his car keys and made a run for it. My feet are fucked because of all the sharp objects in the dirt. I ran a mile carrying her and her carrier to his car. And ended up back here. When I found out I was pregnant I was long gone I couldn't tell anyone but I did tell his mother she told him." I wiped my eye and cleared my throat I took a gulp . "And this is Riley. Riley Haley Okonma."

Everyone's mouth dropped. Frank was still looking completely disturbed by his best friends actions towards me. They were quiet. I turned on the tv. I missed television and I felt like there was something I should see. I sat and watched as the news played along the screen.

Reporter woman: Hello good evening! Its Maya Debrow here! We are outside the mental facility in Northern California. Where the mentally disturbed young man by the name of Tyler Okonma resides. You may recall be murdered a young girl named Sarah after doing disturbing things to her and documenting it and also killing other young women. But they were never found there was no solid evidence to pin the deaths of them on him or bodies. Anyways he was put here for a year and will be released next month on October 31st. Otherwise known as Halloween this has been a special fox 11 news report back to you guys at the studio!

I turned off the television and my mouth got dry and my throat began to close up.

"C-Courtney what's today's date?" I managed to get out. I looked at her she was still trying to understand the situation. She finally looked up.

"Today is October 29th."

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