00 Interlude

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"You're too different from each other."

"But maybe different is better."




a person or thing that is totally different from or the reverse of someone or something else.

"How on earth are you more comfortable during winter?"

"I prefer cold temperature, you prefer hot."


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IF THERE IS ONE THING SHE LOVED THE MOST, it's DANCING. She would spend her free days dancing alone in the same place, until the sun hides itself and the stars twinkle. The beat is what she anticipated to hit every time music would bellow the four corners of the practice room, and she wouldn't stop trying and trying to do the impossible things, she made it her life, her distraction. And though she loves to dance, there is a remaining part of her that despises dancing. Like missing a beat, tripping over her own feet, falling to the ground, losing control, and now, forgetting the step. The very same step she couldn't do because she lacks something the song requires her to have.

She looked at her reflection, sweat dripping from her forehead. Dang it, Jae-nim, get it together.

An exhausted sighed exited in her mouth, her lips trembling. She couldn't fully open her eyes any longer, the fatigue lingered through her veins, her legs were about to fall, but her mind stayed the same. Do it again, you can't give up now.

She lifted her arms up when the song ended, and waited for a few seconds before the same song repeated itself. As the song played, her body moved, every hit of the note earned a smile on her face, her muscle memory inclined with the vision she had for this routine. With her feet following the direction of her fingers, she reached for it to heave up on the level of her bended back to her head. When she slowly released it, the lyrics tail-tailed with the solemn melody in the background. That's it Jae-nim, keep up.

The chorus came and consecutive beats ringed in her ears. She can't lose her balance, she must stay glued to the floor. She tried to twirl down, thinking she could make it this time, but she was wrong, so wrong.

Her flexibility is not enough. She's not enough. The next thing she knew, the chorus ended, the second verse welcomed her with different notes falling one by one. All her thoughts clouded with panic, and once again, she forgot the next step, and she made a mistake. Shit!

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⏰ Last updated: 6 days ago ⏰

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