Part: 2

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                          Time skip

After 2 weeks~

      Taehyung start to work in " Serenade Dream " club as an singer by this he is fulfilling his dream and also getting fame. Slowly slowly Taehyung start to caught everyone's attention with his magical voice which is a blessing for him but cruse for his parents. His success as an singer didn't get loved by his parents. He is now practicing for his performance. Then his friend " Chaeyoung" come.

Chaeyoung: Hey don't wanna have lunch come on your a star now no need to get this much nervous.

Taehyung: It's not like that Chaeyoung I was just practicing I don't want any mess you know. ( she smile and both head to do their lunch.)

On the other hand ~

   Yn and her besti Heaven has come to Seaul ( btw they live in Deagu). They are about to come past 1 week ago but due o their sudden exam they couldn't come but now here they are.

Heaven: Ahh girl my back is hurting very much.

Yn: Mine too. Ahhh. Let's take a nap after that we will explore the places. 

Heaven: Ok.

  After 1 hour~

   Yn woke up due to continuous phone ringing which is Heaven's and she is sleeping like a death person.  Yn look and the caller ID and it's her Boyfie.

Yn: Heaven woke up Jay is calling.

( hearing Jay name immediately jump and take her phone Yn look at her disbeliefly.)

Heaven: Ok baby  I will be their in 1 hour.

( she cut the call and look at her )

Heaven: Before u ask so many questions I going on a date with Jay after 1 hour.

Yn: Ok.

( Yn didn't said anything because they are meeting after so long time.)


Yn Pov:

    Heaven already leave I dress up and come outside actually I was making plan to visit a mysterious place. I heard very much about that place but the shocking thing is only few people know about it. It was a secret place only for teenagers and music lovers. And that was " Serenade Dream" club.

I take a cab and come there and it was underground first I was scared to go there alone but after fighting with my mind I come afterwards and it's soo beautiful.

Taehyung Pov:

   I'm getting ready but today I'm extra nervous because today their was many people more then I have ever seen In this place. Now Chaeyoung is performing and I can hear cheers and claps means it's my time. I took a deep breath and go towards the stage

 I took a deep breath and go towards the stage

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    Author Pov:

      Taehyung smile shyly as everyone is calling his name very loudly

Girl 1 : Here our king Taehyung yeyyyy

( he start his performance until he spotted a certain person in audiance. )


Yn pov:

   When everyone cheer " Kim Taehyung" I look and show his shy smile goshh  he is  damn cute. When he start sing it feels like my surrounding are disappearing. Only he and mee. His melodious deep shooting voice are echoing in my earit feels like I can hear him all day. We both are staring at eachother completely drowned into each other's world leaving the real world behind.

Taehyung Pov :

    When I spotted her her grey lock mine with her she staring at me and so do I. Her long hair are shining under the lights  for a moment I forgot that I was performing until I heard crowd cheering and clapping. I bow and leave from their immediately. I look at myself at mirro and gosshh I'm blushing mess she is beautiful no not beautiful she is looking like an angel.

My eyes once again want to star at her I don't know why but I was feeling sudden urge of looking at her so I come out of my room to find her.

Author Pov:

   When Taehyung leave from stage Yn try to search for him but didn't find him. She make a sad pout she is feeling her cheeks are becoming red and warm.

Yn: Ahh Yn u are blushing for a boy whom u didn't know but but he is something different I never felt this much attract towards anyone. But he Ahhhh thinking about him making me shy.

On the other hand 

Taehyung was searching for her in every corner of the club and finally he spotted her at a certain place sitting alone while mumble something. He was staring at her like there is no tomorrow. When she suddenly look turn towards him and once again there eyes lock but it got interpreted by someone.

?: Taehyung are u done let's go home.

( He turn and find his friend confused face)

Taehyung: Ahh Jimin why u came at this time.

Jimin: why what are u doing?

( when he said that he immediately turn and see that She already left )

Jimin: don't tell u are finding some girl ( he said jokingky.)

Taehyung: actually Yes.

Jimin: WHAT!!!???

Jimin: WHAT!!!???

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To be continued....


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