𝟬𝟭𝟮. run away

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──────── ౨ৎ ────────[ irl

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[ irl ... ]

"Woah there Matt, I'm gonna start thinking this is a sign for a truce" Gab groggily said, smirking softly while keeping her eyes closed.

She was currently sitting on the passenger seat of Matt's vehicle with her eyes closed due to the rapid increase of a headache once she started to sober up. Matt, on the other hand, was just opening the driver's seat after placing Gab in hers and putting her seatbelt on, not forgetting to close the door and walked to his seat.

"Call it what you want I'm just doing you a favour" he let out an exasperated sigh.

The drive back home was surprisingly calm, only the quiet sounds of the radio sounding between the two. It wasn't until Matt had his house on sight, signalling him that they were close to ending their sabbatical escape that he decided to talk to the brunette sitting next to him.

"Do you even like him Gabriella?"

"Why would you care? It's none of your business Matthew" the mentioned rolled his eyes at the tone she implied, signalling him that she was mocking him.

"It's not like I care but I don't want you-" he cut himself mid sentence when he decided to refrain himself "Look it happened once and it will prob-"

"So this is what it's all about? That I'm going back to him? I do whatever the fuck I want and you don't get to dec-"

"I saw how he treated you Gab" he screamed, then after recomposing himself and giving Gab enough time to tone down the fury inside her, he added "How he screamed at you, how he threw things at you I saw it all Gabs"

"Wha-Why on earth would you be spying on me?" she tried to change the topic while picking at her nails.

"That's not the issue here. All I'm saying is, I saw you being hurt once. Do you want to go through all of that again?" he said calmly while slowing down the car and cutting off the engine when the car stopped in front of Gab's house.

"What if I want? He has money and he's very supportive, he's a gentleman and we'd make a great couple in front of the public's eyes"

"Okay you said what the others want. Now how about you tell me what you want?" he turned to look at her only to find out she was already staring at him

"As if you were the one to talk" they both scoffed "Going out with Miss I don't know what I would've done if he wasn't there"

"Oh so you were listening?" he arched an eyebrow at her

"No actually I was trying to cut my ears off" Gab rolled her eyes.

"Didn't look like it" Matt mumbled

"What do you mean it didn't look like it? Were my snores not fucking clear enough?"

"Why are you doing this to yourself Gabs?" he asked after a long pause.

"I appreciate you driving me home Matt but I think it's time for you to go" she said while unbuckling her belt and opening the door, giving her free access to walk out of the uncomfortable situation she found herself in.

"You're just running away like you always do Gab. Your mom might not be the one you need but at least she knows how to stand up for herself, you could learn something from that couldn't you?"

"Go to fucking hell Matthew" she spat before closing the door and indirectly separating the two.

When she closed it, she felt like she could breathe again after being slightly intoxicated by Matt's essence in his car. As she was home alone, there was no need for her to make soundless steps to her room.

However, much to Gab's annoyance, three knocks on the door made her halt on her steps and scream in response "Go away Matthew and leave me alone."

"You left your shoes and your jacket Gabs" he informed her

"Well then leave them at the door" she fought back with her arms crossed, glaring at the door as if that glare could get to the one person behind it.

"Gabs please. I'm sorry, okay?"

"You're always sorry" she whispered more to herself nonetheless, she quietly made her way to the front door and after taking a deep breath, she opened it. 

When she looked up and her eyes connected with his, it was as if she was in a trance. The moments spent together before in his van were long gone, much to Gab's dismay, and she couldn't help but feel captivated by his eyes just as it happened in the mall, just like the old times.

"My things please?" she cleared her throat

In spite of that, Matt made it seem as if he hadn't heard anything, even though he clearly did. He found himself being possessed by a sudden feeling of confidence, with no uncertainty in between.

"Can I?" and although neither of them were sure by what he meant, Gab was quick to catch up about what he meant and taking upon his recommendation of doing what she wanted, she locked her lips with his.

The kiss was slow but filled with passion. Both of them had been waiting for this moment to happen ever since they became friends, even if they knew it or not. It wasn't an act of love, of eternal adoration towards each other but more of like an agreement to let go of the past and any misunderstanding there were between them both and just start again, with their own hearts to take up on their decisions.

"Try to run away now Miss, Cinderella" Matt said with heavy breaths when they pulled apart, connecting his forehead with hers.

Gab wasn't sure what he meant by that but when she noticed a pair of strong arms circling her waist, hands connecting with one another making it a closed circle, she smirked at him and said "Can you repeat that again Mr. Runaway obsessed?"

Gab placed her hands on both sides of his stomach and started tickling him, getting away from his grasp and dashing inside the house and up the stairs, Matt following behind once he realised what she had done.

"Just wait till I catch you Gabs!" he yelled at her, smiling softly when he heard some giggles coming from somewhere in front of him.


this chap's ass i'm so sorry😔

anyways we got some time of truce with matt & gabs yay!!


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22 ⏰

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