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       Oliver McCall was walking through the woods with his uncle Derek's son Charlie. They were both 16, so they grew up together and had become the best of friends. At the moment they were searching the woods for the Omega Oliver had heard his father say was running around the Hale's Perserve.

   "Do you really think this is a good idea Oliver? I mean, what if our dad's find out we're gone, or our mom's. Or what if that Omega is feral and it attacks us, you know I have trouble controlling the shift." Charlie rambled. Oliver only laughed. Charlie Hale rambled worse than their uncle Stiles, and they was saying something.

   "Calm down Charlie, we'll be fine." Oliver chuckled. It wasn't so much that Charlie's ramblings were funny it was that he was scared of his mom. Yeah aunt Braden was a badass hunter and she could kick your ass in the blink of an eye but Charlie was a werewolf and aunt Braden was human. Not that he had anything against human's, his little sister Victoria was human and he loved her to death. It just that Charlie was a whimp.

   "But what if we get attacked? What are we going to do? Call up our parents and say: "oh hi mom, dad, we sorta snuck out of the house against your rule not to be out after 11 and went into the Preserve looking for the lone Omega." Yeah because that will go over smoothly." Charlie said sarcastically. Oliver just shook his head.

   "I should have called Claudia, she would have been better company, less whining." Oliver sighed.

   "Good thing Charlie texted me huh?" Claudia said poping up from behind a tree and walking over to them.

   "Holy shit Claud'! You scared me!" Oliver said jumping about a foot in the air. Claudia was aunt Lydia and uncle Stiles' first born. She was a witch, just like her father and her name sake. She was born before both of them tough, she had turned 17 last week.

   "Always gotta make a grand entrance." She smiled. They all started walking again.

   "Is there any spell that can track an Omega?" Oliver asked, looking over at Claudia.

   "Yeah sure." She answered.

   "What is it?" Oliver asked. Claudia shurgged.

   "I'm still learning levitation charms." She sighed. Off to the left they all heard a stick break.

   "What was that?" Charlie whispered in fear. Claudia and Oliver shrugged. Oliver listened closely but heard nothing more.

   "C'mon guys, must have been a wild animal." Oliver said shrugging it off. Then they heard two loud eardrum shattering screames and right away knew it was Lydia and her son John.

   "Shit! Run!" Claudia screamed as she heard a roar from their left. She grabbed Charlie's arm and took off. "Guys run up ahead a little bit, I have a jar of wolves bane, I can throw it down and hopefully give us an advantage." Claudia called. They did as they were told and heard a glass shatter and then the strangled gasps of the Omega wolf. Oliver reached back for Claudia's arm and pulled her up to run with them again. Once they finally made it out of the Preserve they ran all the way to Claudia's house. They all ran inside and saw everyone there.

   "You have some explaining to do Mr." Allison McCall said as she walked forward and grabbed Oliver by his ear and dragged him out to the car. After he had explained everything and said he was only trying to help, his mom still grounded him for three weeks. Claudia got a month and Charlie got a two week grounding and a month with out electronics. Oliver didn't regret anything.


{This was just a small next generation ficlet, Oliver McCall is a wolf as well as Charlie and Talia Hale, Justin Hale is human. Victoria McCall is human. Claudia Stilinski is a witch and John Stilinski is a banshee.
Oliver- 16  Victoria-12, Charlie-16 Talia-13 Justin-4, Claudia-17 John-14}
Thanks for reading, I love all of you. ❤

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