1=Dawn Ord
2=Daylight Ord
3=Love Ord
4=Hatred Ord
5=Dark Ord
6=Light Ord
7=Ord of the past
8=Ord of the present
9=Ord of the future
10=red Ord-------
11=Blue Ord------
13=Yellow Ord--the three assassins
14=Ord of souls
15= Blood Ord
16=Ord of wisdom
17=Ord of power
18=battle Ord
19=peace Ord
20=Ord of Luck
21=black Ord--
22=white Ord-the guardians
23=shadow Ord
24=heat Ord
25=freeze Ord
26=sky Ord
27=ground Ord
28=silver Ord
29=gold Ord
30=moonlight Ord
31=Dusk Ord
Dimension signs
Randomthis is my book of zodiac signs created by me so if your interested than enjoy