Under the umbrella | Kang Haerin

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3rd person's pov

"Oh no."

It was said that rain would stop by this afternoon. Unfortunately, one certain girl forgot to bring an umbrella with her.

Haerin frowned as she looked up at the darkening sky. She should have known better to trust the weather forecast.

The rain began to fall in heavy drops, and she sighed, seeking shelter under the entrance of her school. Students rushed by, some with umbrellas, others making do with their jackets held over their heads.

"I really should have known better." she muttered.


"Ugh, finally." Y/n huffed. After taking the trash out, she finally finished her cleaning duties. Being the assigned cleaner for the day wasn't the most glamorous job, but it had its perks-like getting to leave last and avoiding the rush of students flooding the hallways.

As she finally packed her things, Y/N glanced outside and noticed the rain starting to pour. Fortunately for her, she had remembered to bring an umbrella.

Walking towards the entrance of her school, there she spots the girl she likes, standing alone. Kang Haerin.

Y/n's heart skipped a beat.

"She looks so pretty!" she thought, looking at the scene in front of her.

She was so tempted to take a secret photo of Haerin, but that might make her look like a creep if she does that.

Gathering the courage, she approached her.

"Haerin." Y/n called softly, her umbrella in her hand.

Haerin looked up, her eyes widening at the sight of Y/n with surprise and relief. "Oh, Y/n."

Y/n smiled. Hearing Haerin call her name was her most favorite thing to hear from now on.

"Where's your umbrella?" Y/n asked, worried that the girl she likes might go home without an umbrella and might catch a cold if she does.

"Ah, it's at home. I forgot to bring one." Haerin replied, feeling herself get shy over Y/n's gaze. "Ughhh, why'd you have to forget to bring an umbrella? Haerin-ah!?"

Of course, like Y/n, we wouldn't want to leave our crush standing alone at the entrance of our school in the middle of a downpour, right?

Y/n moved closer to Haerin and held out her umbrella. "Here, I can share mine with you... I can also walk you home." she offered.

"Oh no, you don't have to! But thank you, Y/n, I really appreciate it." Haerin smiled, a gentle expression of gratitude.

"But I insist." Y/n looked at her with puppy eyes, to which... it did work for Haerin cause, unfortunately, she's a sucker when it comes to Y/n.

Y/n happily smiled and opened the umbrella, and they both stepped into the rain, the sound of raindrops pattering above them. They walked closer together in silence, but the umbrella barely covered them both.

Again, we wouldn't like it if our crush gets wet in the rain, right? So, Y/n inched the umbrella closer to Haerin. Now her shoulder was getting wet from the rain, but she didn't mind.

Haerin noticed this as she frowned. "Y/n, you're getting your shoulder wet! Move the umbrella closer to you."
Y/n shook her head with a shy smile. "It's okay, really. I don't mind."

Haerin's frown deepened, and she gently tugged at the umbrella, repositioning it so it covered them both more evenly. "But I mind. I don't want you to get sick because of me."

Y/n's heart warmed at Haerin's concern.Y/n shook her head, a playful smile on her lips. "Nope, I'd rather get wet than let you catch a cold."

"Y/n, this is silly. You're drenched," she pointed out to Y/n, who was now completely soaked on one side.

Y/n just laughed. "It's just water. I'll dry off."

As they continued walking, Y/n and Haerin moved closer, the umbrella now providing better coverage for both of them. Y/n could feel her heart racing as Haerin's shoulder brushed against hers. She wanted to keep talking, but words seemed to fail her.

Haerin, sensing the slight awkwardness, decided to break the silence. "Thank you, Y/n. Really. You didn't have to do this, but I'm glad you did."

Y/n glanced at her blushing, trying to find the right words. "I wanted to. I... I like helping you."

"I like you," Y/n thought.

Haerin's cheeks flushed slightly at the confession, even though it was a simple one. "You're really kind."

As they arrived outside Haerin's home, Y/n couldn't help but feel a sense of disappointment that their walk together was coming to an end. She wished they could have spent more time together, just enjoying each other's company.

"Thank you for walking me home, Y/n," Haerin said softly, turning to look at Y/n.

Y/n nodded, trying to hide her disappointment. "Of course, Haerin. Anytime."

Y/n smiled at her for one last time and turned to leave. Her figure slowly gets smaller and smaller in Haerin's view as she contemplates saying the things she wanted to say but is too afraid to say it.

Haerin bit her lip as she called to her, causing Y/n to stop in her tracks. "Y/n, wait!"

As Y/n turned back to look at Haerin, she watched as Haerin hurried towards her in the rain, nearly slipping but managing to regain her balance just in time, causing Y/n to feel like she'll almost have a heart attack.

"Yah! Are you crazy!?" She yelled, running to Haerin as well.

"You're gonna get wet!" Y/n scolded once they were both close enough inside her umbrella.

Haerin held onto Y/n's arm for balance as she took a deep breath and...

"I... I like you, Y/n," she confessed, her voice barely above a whisper. "I've liked you for a while now, and I just couldn't keep it to myself any longer."

Y/n eyes widened in surprise, a rush of joy flooding through her.

"S-she likes me!?" There's no way this is real." she thought.

"It is real Y/n-ah... and I really want to know what your answer is cause... I'm getting a bit embarrassed here." Haerin shuffled in her spot, her cheeks red as a tomato.

"A-ah! You heard me." Stupid idiot.

Her mind raced, trying to process the flood of emotions. She opened her mouth to respond, but instead of forming coherent words, she started rambling nervously.

"Uh, um, Haerin, I... I mean, wow, this is, uh, surprising, but like, in a good way, I think, and I, um, I really like you too, and I've liked you for a while, but I wasn't sure if you... I mean, wow, I'm just, uh, really happy right now and..."

Haerin couldn't help but smile at Y/n's adorable flustered state. Before she could say another word, Haerin took a step closer, cutting off Y/n's rambling as she leaned in and kissed her softly, making Y/n gasped.

The umbrella slipped from Y/n's hand as she melted into the kiss, her hands finding Haerin's waist and pulling her closer.

The rain continued to fall around them, but they hardly noticed, as they were lost in the warmth of each other's lips.


1219 words.

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