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Rep was out and Lover was at home enjoyin her music ofc. At 1 moment sth changes but in a good hot way. She didn't see her baby cuz she had to go early unfortunately but lil did she know what'd happen when she comes back. When Rep came back she started to worry cuz she heard heavy breathing and and knew that's not good. She didn't run to her baby , she flew to her

Rep- Loveee I'm hereee ( she hears heavy breathing) love?! (she's flying to her)
Lover almost faint
Rep- Hey look at me, I'm here my love
Lover- R r reppy I can't
Rep- It's okay I'm with u (hugs her)
Lover- W what u're doin that to me huh why so hot
Rep- I don't get it , what's wrong baby
Lover- You, look at u
Rep- Oh aah AAAAAA wait no way
U're like this bc of me??!!
Lover- Y yeah, now when u came it was even worse I didn't even see u today why just how how so hot I don't get it hottie what ur doin to me HOW T F U CAN LOOK LIKE THIS
Rep- Oh babyyy , u almost fainted bc of me unbelievable I need to tell Mid this
Lover- Uuuhhh
Rep- Are u okay now wait what? Did u watch that IDWLF
Lover looks at her in a cute way
Rep- OMG this is absolutely unbelievable! I'm calling Mid wait

Mid- Hey hottie what's up
Rep- Mid! U absolutely won't believe what just happened
Mid- What
Rep- Um Lover didn't see me today but when I came back I got scared cuz I heard her breathing heavily and I literally flew to her to find her absolutely completely losin when she saw me + she watched IDWLF can u believe this ? Like all of that happened bc of me bc of my hotness and how I look
Mid-(serious voice) Rep I don't like saying this but that's um she's sick of u like that's her disease this isn't good , it can make her end in the hospital imagine the doctors finding diagnosis and asking questions and your answer is that
No imagine her dying bc of u I I don't like this
Rep- Mid are u fr , I thought that wasn't like that it it can't be , do yk how long we're together? Ofc we do freak out bc of each other and things but this never happened before like exactly like how's now I never seen her like that
Mid-Yeah I'm tellin u it's absolutely not good
Rep- WTF do we do I can't change myself I don't want this it's too much
Mid- Hottie okay first calm down , sec try to talk with her lil better about it and find the best solution that's NOT hospital at the end okay I trust u, I love u two sm now I gotta go , I'm gonna tell Nine about this and we'll text u dw okay we love u
Rep- Uh okay thanks Middie ilyt girls

Rep- Love
Lover- Hm
Rep- Uh okay um come
Lover- Give me a kiss
Rep- Sorry I didn't before (kisses her and hugs her) now um we need to talk lil better about ur situation okay
Lover- Mhm
Rep- I want u to explain absolutely everything to me so we can solve this bc um I'm scared , I don't even want to think about this but look this thing is fucked up to the end and u can end in the hospital, It's it's not good and it's too much already for me I can't
Lover- Reppy , baby calm down it's okay I get u I just freaked out bc of u
Yk ur surprising me sometimes a lil too much and then I just can't
Rep- But baby this isn't good for u, Mid says u can die and faint more x what I'll do then imagine questions from the doctor in the hospital what caused u that
Lover( hugs her tight and she's sad)
Rep- Ohhh , come baby

Lover comes in her and she cuddles her long. They talked more and found some good solution to solve that. They're so happy now and Lover just wants her sm rn

Rep- Wanna see what IDWLF HOTTIE can do to u
Lover- Mhm
Rep- Let me undress u

She gives her tongue and kisses everywhere, makin her enjoy in her. They made sm love and at the end Lover kush wanted to be stuck in her Reppy. She cuddled her sm and they were kissin sm and long yet for 3 more hours. When she looks in her eyes, all she feels is how attached is she to her and how she wants to be in her all the time, not goin anywhere just knowin she guards her and it's like she lives on her body

Rep- Ilysm my love
Lover- Ilyt, I want u (puppy, so in love eyes)
Rep-  I'm here, I guard u baby , we're gonna eat later okay I'm not moving now
Lover- Mmm ( buries herself in her)

SHUT THE THAT'S SO CUTE FUCK I CAN'T! Don't even ask WTF came that to my mind to do this but OMG imagine bein like this in love that u can faint and die bc of her hotness and look! MY FUCKIN GOD AAAHHH!

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