Chapter 35: The Legend of Hekue and Vao

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Two figures walked among the crowd of a bustling market, browsing the fruits, the vegetables, and the freshly hunted meats. Among the crowd were people of many sorts; humans, elves, orcs, dwarves, harpies, zombies, goblins, all manner of different races that mingled and interacted with each other. This was the town of Faralda; the biggest market town, and the third largest town in the kingdom. The first, of course, would be the Royal Capital.

The pair eventually found themselves at a noodle stand; one they had visited many times in their childhood. Managers had come and gone, but the noodle stand still remained, owned by the family. These two were known as heroes in the lands of Twist; two heroes who had fought in the Freedom War against the Church, and ended the enslavement of elves, dwarves, and orcs, and stopped the attempted genocide of the remaining races. Their names were Yin Russet and Vao Branwen; a cleric and a thief respectively, and members of the local Adventurer's Guild, though Yin didn't seem to go on quests very often.

"So, how's the kids?" Yin chuckled. Vao narrowed his eyes as he slurped a noodle.

"... Well, Midori's training with Verde so she can become the next headmaster of the magic academy. Priscilla's running my mum's old flower stall, and Agot is working in construction - turns out big dragons are good at carrying heavy things. And Violet... Well, she's been more calm lately. She still talks about going on another adventure," he replied. He grinned, nudging his younger brother. "Well, how about it bruv? You up for another adventure?"

But Yin shook his head, lighting a cigarette. "Nah, not really," he declined.

Vao frowned. "Oh come on, we haven't done anything in ages!" He insisted. But Yin was firm in his response, shaking his head.

"Another time, maybe."

Vao sighed, finishing his meal and waiting for Yin to finish. His brother never seemed ready for adventures, lately. And while Vao enjoyed spending time with him, he still wanted to travel the world and explore the oldest crypts and darkest caves, finding treasures they'd later sell or keep. As Yin finished, Vao looked up at the sky. The weather was clear with not a cloud on the blue canvas; the perfect weather on a summer day. One thing Yin liked to do was gaze at the horizon and daydream, something Vao didn't mind. The dullahan gestured to the old cathedral in the distance.

"Well, how about we go climb that place again? Stare at the sky, or wotever it is you do?"

Yin gave him a smile. "... Yeah. I'd like that..."

His answer was unusually quiet. Something Vao didn't catch onto. The dullahan jumped from his stool energetically, Yin paying for the food. Yin took more time getting up, following after Vao as the pair made their way to the cathedral.

The cathedral had a dark history. Long ago it was owned by Vao's father-in-law, Verde's father. A man named Rojo Forest; a villain in every sense of the word. Many children were harmed and killed in that cathedral. So bad was its history, so terrible was Rojo, that it had been left to rot and crumble, with no one wanting to maintain it. Those who were old enough to remember those dark days shivered at the sight. But even with the cathedral being reclaimed by nature, with the stone bricks crumbling and moss growing on the walls and floor, it was still the highest point in Faralda, and was perfect for overlooking the plains, the forests, and the nearby mountain where the goblins loved before spreading out.

Vao was walking ahead, constantly turning to wait for Yin. The cleric was taking his time as he walked, but finally they made it to the cathedral doors. Up the stairs, Vao was finding himself ahead of his brother again, the dullahan standing at the top of the stairs. "Come on, Yin!"

"I'm... Coming," Yin replied almost breathlessly. "Just give me a moment..."

Vao waited impatiently as Yin made it up the stairs. "This is why you should've quit smoking," the dullahan muttered. "Shit's bad for your lungs, mate."

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