
94 3 2

Harmony Jones

"I'm outside."

Those two words increased the rate of my heart as it simultaneously dropped to my stomach. The nerves radiated through my entire body as I started to feel a bit jittery. Josiah had just pulled up to the front of my house to pick me up for our first official date tonight. I'm excited, but nervous as hell.

"Okay, I'll be there in a second," I quickly responded.

"Bet," he said, before ending the call.

I exhaled a breath while stepping in front of my mirror and combing my straightened hair toward the front of my face. I examined my final look before grabbing my vanilla scented perfume and spraying it over my chest, neck, ankles and wrist, rubbing them together. I'm not sure why I'm so nervous to go out with him. We've gotten comfortable with each other over the past few days. Everything should go fine.

Grabbing my purse and pulling it over my shoulder, I started heading toward my front door. I took a deep breath while grabbing the handle and pulling the door open. I walked outside, with my eyes landing on him standing outside of his car by the passenger side with a bouquet of flowers wrapped in his arms. I smiled at the sight as I felt my cheeks heating up. He is such a sweetheart.

"Awww, this is so cute," I said through my smile while extending my arms to grab the flowers as he laid them in my hands. "Thank you."

"I do my best." He smiled while gazing over my attire. "You look good. Orange is definitely your color," he said with a wink while grabbing the car door handle and pulling it open for me.

I found myself giggling at his compliment. "Thank you," I gushed. "You look handsome yourself," I responded while holding eye contact with him as I climbed into the seat and rested the flowers in my lap.

He sent me a soft smile with another wink while closing the car door and walking to get in on the driver's side. I exhaled a breath as he climbed inside his driver's seat.

"You ready to roll," he questioned while leaning against his seat and looking over at me.

I nodded. "I am."

He smiled before adjusting his posture and shifting the gear into drive, pulling off from in front of my house. I glanced at his side profile, admiring his face with a soft smile lining my lips as Why Don't We Fall In Love by Amerie played softly in the background. This moment feels a little unreal, because never once did I picture myself falling for Josiah. I've known him since we were in middle school, but I'd forgotten all about him once he left. I'd see his face in the media or on Aubrey's socials, but never in person, until that day at brunch. I almost declined that offer to attend brunch, but something told me to go. I'm glad I listened or else this wouldn't be happening.

"When's the last time you went skating?" He looked over at me, catching me as I admired him. I felt my cheeks heat up out of embarrassment as I noticed his lips curl into a smirk before detouring my eyes forward, letting out a silent sigh. I could hear him chuckling. "Don't be embarrassed. You like what you see, huh?"

I shook my head at his antics, poking my tongue into my cheek. "Maybe."

"Uh huh." He glanced at me out the corner of his eye without turning his head, but I could still see the smirk on his face.

"But, to answer your question, I think the last time I've been skating was like high school. When's the last time you went?"

"Uh, probably a couple months ago. It's been a lil' minute. Don't be mad when I get to skatin' like Usher on you." He chuckled while glimpsing over at me before looking back on the road.

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