•Jeniyah lynn Rodrea•
December 31st
2:48 p.m

"Amarian" I was watching him while he drove down the street "wussup mama" he looked at me, his beautiful brown eyes looking in mine, "I love you" I say grabbing his hand "I love you to beautiful" he bring my hand to his lips, gently kissing the top of it.

He looked so exhausted, mentally and physically. The constant street life, growing up in a rough home. He had been through so much at such a young age.

He turned the block into our neighborhood, he had lived a couple houses down our whole lives. He pulled up to my house, my brothers was sitting outside on the porch, like always. Daddy was probably on the couch and mom was cooking in the kitchen.

"I'll talk to you later baby girl I love you" he pulled my chin in for a kiss, "I love you to my boy" I reply back to him when he pulls away. I got out of the car and started walking up to the porch, he drove away.

"POW" "POW" "POW" there were 3 shots. We all dropped to the ground, once we thought it was ok we got up.

The car that got shot up was now rammed into someone's tree, Amarians car.
"No no no" I say before sprinting over to the car, "JENIYAH" I heard my brothers and my mom screaming for me, I kept running.

I got to the car, his body was limp, there was blood everywhere. "FUCK" I yell while trying to open his door, I heard sirens. "Jeniyah, we got to go the cops comin" my brother Daymond try's pulling me away "no, I can't" I was sobbing at this point, "shit" the sirens where getting closer. I looked at him one more time, he was finally happy. I gave in and ran in the opposite direction of the police.

He was gone, just like that, my baby boy was gone.

•Amiyah Lynn Rodrea•
February 3rd
2:29 p.m

"Heyy boo" Precious was over at my house, she was Amarians sister. "Hey" I forced a little smile while eating some cereal in the kitchen.

"You doing ok" she asked "yeah I'm straight" she looked at me with an eyebrow raised, "I'm good Precious I promise" I look at her eyes, they where just like Mari's. "Ok well mom wants you to come over for dinner" she says and passes me the blunt she just lit up, "ok I will" I say hitting the blunt a couple times then giving it back to her. I got up and out my bowl in the sink.

"Auntie Miyah" my niece can up to me "yes baby" I turn around and look at her, "will you put my hair up please?" She asks me "yeah gimme a minute, go get the bands and gel" I tell her and she runs off.

"They think it was Tray" I heard the words I didn't want to hear, "what" I said turning to face her "Last night Monique said he came in the house panicking, then left again and she hasn't seen him since" Tray was a dude who used to chill with us, till he snitched on Mari to the feds, Monique was Mari other sister, she was the oldest, also Tray girlfriend. It was a long story.

I looked at her and she knew what the look was. "Ight well I'm finna dip and go home, see you tonight right" she asks me putting out the blunt in the ashtray on the table, "yeah I'll be there" I say getting up and hugging her, she lets go and looks at me, holding my hands. "You gotta stay strong Amiyah, everything happens for a reason, I know it hurts but he would want us to stay strong" she says looking at me "I know Precious, I'm trying" I say squeezing her hands "see ya later" she says letting go and walking through the living room to the front door.

That bitch nigga done fucked up.

I look for my niece so I could do her hair real quick, once I find her I sit on the couch where the fam is, making her sit in the floor in front of me, I grab the comb she had and part her hair down the middle putting gel on the part so it stays. Then I grab a rubber band with those ball things on it, wrapping it around her hair after getting it smooth with a brush and some gel. I grab some more gel, twisting each side with two pieces of her then tying it off with a rubber band.

I walked to the back of the house, going in my room to get some clothes for a shower. Mind racing with thoughts, but at the same time there were no thoughts. I pulled out a white tank, some undies, and a pair of black shorts.

I grabbed my hair brush and went to the bathroom which was next to my room. I close the door behind me locking it, I gotta lot of brothers gotta be cautious. I turn around and set my clothes on the counter, then I pull the shower curtain back, before bending over and turning on the water. I pulled up the thingy on the faucet part to turn on the shower part.

I stand there for a second just looking at myself in the mirror. I looked like a mess.

I strip all of my clothes off, before stepping in the shower, feeling the water hit my back.

First I wash my body, then my hair. When I was done I stepped out, opening the cabinet to get a towel. Then wrapping it around my body.

I dry my body off then get dressed. After I walk in my room outing my dirty clothes in the dirty clothes basket. I walk over to my closet and pull out a red Nike hoodie, throwing it over my head, I also grab a pair of white Nike socks from my dresser.

I go back to my bathroom to throw my hair up into a high bun, also doing my edges. I spray some vanilla perfume on myself also putting on deodorant.

I was finally done, which meant it was time to go to Amarians folks house. I wasn't ready.

"Mama imma go run over ta Amarians" I say with a low voice "ok baby" she brings me in for a hug, "I love you" she says into my hair "I love you to mama" I say, then walking out the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25 ⏰

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