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A/N: Okay, I AM SO SO SO SORRY this took so long to post guys. I kept getting in front of the computer and just couldn't get myself to write! Damn writer's block. But I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. Oh and the Matt in this part is in fact Matt Donovan, but he isn't the Matt Donovan you guys know from the show, hope that doesn't bug anyone. Okay! Once again, I hope you guys enjoy this chapter! Don't forget to vote and comment if you like this :)


Sam and I watch in awe as Cas/Emmanuel unties the woman from the chair. Sam takes a couple steps towards me, as Cas continues working on the knots in the rope.

"Is that Cas?" Sam whispers under his breath.

I shrug. "I think it is." I whisper back, just as Cas turns to face us after untying the woman.

"I saw his face, his real face..." He begins to speak. "What was that thing?"

"That was a demon..."

His eyes widen slightly in horror. "A demon walks among man." He says partly to himself.

"Demons... wackloads of them." I correct. "You don't know about demons?"

Cas shrugs and shakes his head. The woman turns to face him. "They were after you, Emmanuel." She says with concern. Cas grabs her by her shoulders and comforts her.

"It's okay, I'm okay." He assures her. He then turns to face us. "Thank you both for protecting my wife."

His wife does the same and turns to face us. "You see, Emmanuel has special abilities." She explains.

"Yeah, I heard about that. You can heal people right?" I ask.

Cas nods. "To a certain degree. What's your issue?" He asks.

I fidget with my hands for a moment. Try my best to prevent myself from yelling at Cas. How could he not remember what he did to Elena? The lives she took not only lie in my hands, but also his for doing this to her in the first place. I close my eyes, and push down my anger by releasing a sigh. I look back at Cas who's eyes were on me. "It's not me. It's my girlfriend." I explain to him."

Cas nods. "I understand. Is she here?"
I shake my head. "No. We couldn't uh... bring her with us." I chuckle awkwardly.
"You both saved my wife. I will gladly join you to heal your loved one." He says with a small smile.

Cas quickly says his good-byes to his wife, and we're on the road back to the motel. The anger I felt disappears once I realize, we had Cas back. Hope throws all the anger I felt out the window. This was it. Finally, we found the cure to get Elena back.

We drive in silence for about 10 minutes before Cas speaks up. "So what is your girlfriend's issue?" He asks.

I can feel Sam's eyes on me, while I think of a way to tell Cas. "An old friend of mine, did something to her... it's complicated." I look in the rearview mirror. His face is pensive.

"Doesn't sound like a very good friend to me." He says.

Sam scoffs, and I let out a chuckle. "He was a good friend. He just wasn't in his right mind at the time." Cas meets my eyes through the mirror. He narrows them, as if trying to understand what I was hinting at. He then looks back out the window.

"I hope your friend realizes his mistake and asks for forgiveness."

"I hope so too." I respond. I hope so too.

By the time we arrive back to the motel it's nightfall. The red and blue lights all around the motel set off red flags. There are police cars everywhere. "Shit." I say quietly to myself. We park into the lot.

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