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"y/n! help me please - she's spitting all over the place! oh gosh, it's so gross. it's on my face, im going to vomit." you woke up to loud yelling as you yawned while stretching your limbs. "help! please!"

you turned to see ultraman holding the baby kaiju as he gagged from the saliva that the baby spit out. you quickly stood up and transformed into your ultra form, grabbing her from kenji's arms.

she slobbered more as you help her, making you gag, but pushing through. "kenji, go get me a sheet of some type, we need to wipe her down. mina, can you please set up a type of bath for her here, something small just so we can rinse her off."

"i will get that for you." mina said as the floor opened to reveal a tub of some sort, about the shape of a pool for the babies giant size. kenji nodded transformed back to normal and scurried upstairs, looking around till he found a clean sheet of some sort around his house.

you carried the baby kaiju into the body of water, soothing her as she cried at the water touching her. your hand rubbed her head as she calmed down to which she did a bit after. "it's okay baby, mommy's got you. it's just water, see?" you hand dipped in the water as water drops trickled from your hands to her. she shook her head at the feeling of water falling on her beak, but cooed happily.

"see it's just water, nothing to be afraid of." you talked to her in a baby voice as kenji came running from upstairs with the sheets in his hand. "i brought the sheet!" he turned into his ultra form as he neared you and the baby kaiju. "thank you ken, just put it down to the side till i need it."

he placed the sheet down to the side, scooting closer to you. "do you need help washing her?" he quietly asked looking over your shoulder. "mmm not really, but it would be good for you to get involved. do you want to try washing her?" you asked him as you wipes away from of the saliva from her arms.

he nodded, to which you moved away and let him grab the baby kaiju. she got excited seeing him, splashing some of the water with her hands in joy. "awww she likes you a lot kenji." you said smiling. "i guess she does." he said softly, you could hear a soft smile take a place on his lips. he scooped water up with his hands, pouring it over her head gently, making sure to not hit her eyes.

"don't forget to wipe her mouth." he did as you said, wetting his hands as he wiped at her mouth, slightly wincing at the feeling of her saliva. "oh this is so gross." you laughed at his reaction. "suck it up hot stuff. scoot over." you pushed him out of the way as you grabbed the baby kaiju, cleaning her away more with the water.

kenji moved himself out of the way, surprised by the nickname you called him. 'hot stuff?' he stiffened up as his face turned red, flustered at the unexpected boldness. he's never been so grateful for his ultra form not showing off actual expression, feeling better you couldn't see his red face.

he shook his, watching as how you gently handled the baby kaiju. there was an unspoken agreement between the both of you with how she brought some form of light, a gentle touch to the both of your lives.

his thoughts were shaken off by the sound of your voice. "pass me the sheet please, ken. i need to dry her off now." he quickly grabbed the sheet that was next to him, handing it over to you.

you worked quickly as you dried her off, making sure to gently rub her scaly skin so she wouldn't get any rashes of sorts. she cooed at the feeling of your hands rubbing on squishy shape, happy to feel the warmth of a blanket. you smiled at her cuteness.

"there you go. are you nice and warm now?" she wasn't human so you didn't expect an answer but the smile and sounds she made was enough for you to know how she felt. you cradled her next to you, resting her head against your chest as you rocked your body back and forth.

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