06. || 𝖿𝗂𝗏𝖾.

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The next day came and Yeonjun woke up from his sleep, he heard his name being called from downstairs and his ears perked up. He groaned before getting up, rubbing his eyes and sighing.

He did his bed quickly and swiftly before putting on some socks and his shoes, as he was went to his door he saw someone sitting down on his drawer, he looked over and saw nothing...he could've sworn it was, Beomgyu.

He ignored it and opened the door, closing it behind him as he walked downstairs to the kitchen. Once he was at the living room he made his way towards the kitchen, seeing his mom cooking and his dad eating at the kitchen table. Yeonjun greeted his dad as his dad did as well, he walked up to his mom and tapped on her shoulder.

"You called me?"
Eunji looked over her shoulder as she nodded, "yes I did, I called you down for breakfast, sit down with your dad I'll serve you your plate right now".

"Ah okay..thanks mom" Yeonjun stepped back from her as he sat down with his dad, looking over at him with a blank expression. He tapped his fingers repeatedly on the table as he zoned out, his mind and thoughts went to Beomgyu then. He remembered when the stranger person was going to harm him, it was strange to Yeonjun though for when he ran over to the bench where Beomgyu was out and not found him there.

What made him wonder was, how did Beomgyu see the person already? He knew Beomgyu was watching Yeonjun the whole time but it was strange how he was gone in an instant and then appeared next to him? His thoughts were interrupted as he heard the clank from his plate hit the table in front of him.

Yeonjun looked up at his mom and smiled, thanking her once again before looking down at his plate he was going to get up and grab a fork for himself until he heard a familiar voice.

"Mm mind if I join you guys for dinner?~"
Yeonjun and his parents looked over at the living room and saw Beomgyu laid out on the couch, a smirk plastered on his face as he looked at them, his eyes wondered before landing on Yeonjun and his smirk softened into a smile as he got up happily.

"Yeonjun my angel!~ good morningg~" Beomgyu exclaimed as he appeared next to Yeonjun.
Yeonjun's eyes widened in surprise, he was confused. How did Beomgyu appear next to him in a second?-
"How was yours sleep?" Beomgyu continued talking as he laid himself down on the table, propping his face on his arms as he playfully swung his legs up and down while giving Yeonjun a cheeky grin.

"Ah it was..g-good..." Yeonjun stuttered a bit as he was more surprised at Beomgyu laying himself down right on the table, infornt of him.
Beomgyu chuckled as his eyes never left Yeonjun he exhaled slowly before hearing an annoying cough from Yeonjun's dad.

"Excuse me what do you think you're doing? Laying yourself down on our kitchen table Beomgyu."
Beomgyu rolled his eyes as he groaned before looking over at Yeonjun's dad.

"It's Lucifer to you, you worthless huma-" Beomgyu's breath hitched as he remembered Yeonjun was in front of him, he recomposed himself being clearing his throat, "sorry Mr. Ji-yeong got caught up there hmm?~".

Ji-yeong looked at Beomgyu, he glared at him before receiving a cold stare from the devil, his eyes shined red. A cackle was heard from Beomgyu then as Yeonjun's parents stared at him.

"Ah Mr. Ji-yeong not responding I see? Why's that? It's very rude to not answer someone when they speak to you isn't it? Should I..." Beomgyu got off the table as he leaned closer to Ji-Yeong whispering darkly in his ear, "remind you what you are, were you belong? Did you forget a few little rules that you're dearly loving wife forgot about too? We wouldn't want to go over that again wouldn't we? You remember how I left your wife last time~".

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