Chapter One : The Disappearance Of Anthony Clark

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Lucy Was Enjoying Her day off from being an investigator she'd always tried for an acting career but people didn't see her for what she was few people saw her at all it was this train of thought that pushed her to realise that she hadn't heard from Anthony one of her longest and dearest friends it was unusual for him to not talk to her so she pulled out her phone first she checked snapchat there was nothing not a picture text or video thinking nothing of it she went to whatsapp on the off chance he couldn't use snapchat but no nothing she checked his last active status it said last active 22/06/2032 that was nearly three weeks ago! slightly panicking she asked his grandmother she had her number incase of emergencies as anthony had put it she'd always wondered why not his mother's phone number throwing her mind back on track she anticipated the answer but each dial noise felt like an eternity but finally she heard Hello? Hey Anthony's Nan sorry to call out of the blue but i'm worried i haven't heard from anthony i haven't heard from anthony in three weeks! Oh So you haven't heard from him either then Anthony's Grandmother said in a depressive and defeated tone lucy retaliated back with wait you haven't seen him either?! No None of us have we were hoping he was with you Out of nowhere lucy heard a pound on her front door what was that Anthony's Grandmother Said with alarm Switch to facetime. Ok lucy passively agreed She Switched to facetime and flipped the camera so anthony's grandmother could see what she could she rushed to the door praying it was anthony as she opened the door she didn't see a person all she saw was a parcel on the ground but there was something off with it she hadn't ordered anything and it wasn't even labeled she took it inside trying to figure it out without drawing a conclusion lucy looked inside Anthony's Grandmother Exclaimed what is it?! It's "A phone" she had seen this phone before but couldn't remeber where she showed it to Anthony's Nan Hoping She'd know more her mouth dropped and her eyes raised she said "my god" Lucy Carelessly said WHAT.. WHAT IS IT!!! "That's Anthony's Phone" Anthony's Nan With The Silent whistle of shock

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